Beautifully flossed corset
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This article titled “Everything You Know About Corsets Is False” written by Lisa Hix is a corset-positive piece based off museum curator Valerie Steele’s book, “The Corset: A Cultural History.”

This article has already been widely read and discussed within the corset community, but it still merits a nod here because of its concise debunking of some of the most common misconceptions about corsets.  I highly recommend this article to anyone who is new to corsetry and looking for quick and credible answers to the more popular questions and worries concerning corsets and tight lacing.

As for Ms. Steele’s book, I am planning a review on this book within the next couple of months, so sit tight. :D

2 thoughts on “A corset-positive article by Collector’s Weekly

    • bishonenrancher says:

      If you have a relatively flat tummy, just wide hips or thighs, then you can wear cinchers which avoid the hip area, like WKD Baby corset. However if you also have some lower belly pooch, try longline corsets with a large hip spring, such as WKD Morticia corset or the Josephine corset made by Isabella Corsetry. :) For more reading you can see this article here.

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