Corset Benefits
For centuries, we’ve heard people harp on about the risks, dangers, and allegedly “misogynistic” uses of corsets. But is it possible that a corset can benefit a person, or even assist in healing them? To me, corsets were always much more than just vanity – they were armor. There is a reason that my avatar shows me wearing a helmet and corset together. (Yes, because it’s silly, but also because they’re synonymous.)
While reading close to 2000 entries from my previous corset giveaway contests (wherein each person had written about their own experiences in how corsets have improved their quality of life), I came to realize how many ways corsets can help their wearers – physically, mentally, and emotionally. It affects much more than our egos, our silhouettes and our bank accounts. Sometimes corsets become our therapy, our medical devices, and to some, even part of our identity.
Click through the links below to learn more about corset benefits. To say that a poorly made or incorrectly used corset has never caused harm to any wearer would be a lie. However, to claim that a corset has never benefited any wearer would be a bigger lie. To those who have never experienced a corset, I would never force one on you or ask you to walk a mile in our shoes (or corsets, rather) – but I encourage you to look past the frills, the “fetishistic” connotations and the controversial history, to what a well-made, well-fitting modern corset is able to do for its wearer. You’d be hard-pressed to find another simple garment that has the potential to help a person in all the ways a corset can.

Click through the links below to learn more about corset benefits – or click the picture of my new ebook, Solaced: 101 Uplifting Narratives about Corsets, Well-Being, and Hope to read true, in-depth cases of the transformative therapeutic benefits of corsets, in the perspective of 101 corset wearers, makers, and enthusiasts. Read the first chapter for free with the Kindle Preview!
Hello, does wearing a corset have a positive effect on a dilated aorta?
Hi Peter, I would not wear a corset with a dilated aorta, as some people experience changes in blood pressure with the use of a corset. Your medical condition would be considered a contra-indication. I’d recommend you speak with your doctor for more tailored advice.
Hi Lucy,
I’m new to corset training and I have no idea what I’m doing or where to start. Would love some advice. Thank you in advance.
Hi Sara, thank you for reaching out! I think the best place to start would be my beginner playlist on Youtube. The oldest videos look like they were filmed on a potato but the information is still sound.
If any specific questions come up while you’re watching, feel free to jot them down and email them over to me, and I’d be happy to clarify any points. :)
Hi Lucy.
I’m many years post-menopausal and my waist–even after losing more than 40 pounds–is 32.5 and hasn’t gone down in 4 months (even though I’ve maintained the weight loss).
I’m short and stocky, but used to have a waist that was 1-2 sizes smaller than my bust/hip size. Unfortunately. the opposite is now true.
Do you have any advice for me as far as an affordable corset and the size I should use as a beginner?
I’d be very grateful for any advice
and I thank you for your time.
Hello Sandi, my apologies for my late response! I would be happy to look at your other measurements and let you know exactly which silhouette, length and size of corset will fit you most comfortably and give you the best results.
I just emailed you earlier, I wear TT cincher bec of my short torso. My upper hip measures 33-33.5” depending on the time of the day. Thanks.