Corset Quizzes

Are you a corset master, student or novice? Test your corset chops by taking the new line of quizzes exclusively here on LucyCorsetry! More quizzes will be coming in the future. Choose a quiz below:

There are undeniably many components to a corset. Before you learn to make your own corset, you should know name and purpose of each part! Read more
Do you know what to do when you first receive your new corset? Do you know how to properly clean, store, and care for your Read more
How well do you know the different "eras" and the evolution of corsets? See whether your corset knowledge stands the test of time! Read more
How well can you separate fact from fiction? Test your debunking skills here! Read more
Different corsets can shape the body differently - are you familiar with the names and features of the different silhouettes? Read more
Overbusts and underbusts, longlines and cinchers - do you know the difference between them? Test yourself here! Read more
Can you recognize when a corset is (and is not) a proper fit? This quiz will test your knowledge on corset compatibility when it comes Read more
Elizabethan Stays - Victorian Corsets - New Look Corsets! The corset has evolved over 500+ years. Can you tell apart all the different types of Read more
The humble corset has been declared "archaic" and "obsolete", and has since been replaced with roughly a dozen other separate, modern garments. How many of Read more


8 thoughts on “Corset Quizzes

  1. Roger Knights says:

    In “Corset Myths,” which lacks Comment fill-ins, Item 2 contains an “all of the above” answer that is not located at the bottom of the list.

    And item 7 says it’s True that Victorian women’s rate of maternal death was 10% higher than today’s. I think it was higher, as antibiotics weren’t available, etc.

    • Christina Jackson says:

      I really enjoyed taking these! It was great getting the additional tidbits of knowledge, and was quite gratifying to see just how much I’ve learned since discovering your content and joining the amazing corseting community.

      Thank you for helping support me (pun intended) as I started my corseting journey years ago. Your work helped me find another amazing tool to deal with my chronic pain and back issues. I can be a better mother and live a more fulfilling life because of my corsets, and your site and videos were the biggest resource I had, so you’ve literally changed my life. Thank you dearly ❤️

    • Lucy says:

      Hi David, thank you for pointing out the bug! I have made a different type of post grid for this so it should direct to the right page instead of just acting like an image gallery. Please let me know if it works for you now!

      • David Devine says:

        Worked well this time. Didn’t do as well as I had hoped though I thought that some of the multiple answer questions should not be a total wrong if you got most of the answers correct.

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