Welcome to the brand-new LucyCorsetry.com, the official blog (and hopefully, someday-a-real-website) of bishonenrancher.

The blog portion is intended to be supplementary to my YouTube videos, although probably not a replacement. In my blog I’ll summarize information that can be found in my videos, and I’ll be able to post pictures and links that I’m not allowed to post on YouTube. Conversely, anyone who wants more detailed information can watch my videos as I’m able to explain and demonstrate some things much more clearly.

Please keep an eye on this channel as I will be updating this quite often. I will start by making written articles of the YouTube videos I’ve already made, focusing on my ‘Corset Reviews’ and ‘Physical Effects of Corseting’ topics first, then will add new content concurrently with new videos.

Lucy’s Little Life Lesson: Make every day of 2012 count.

5 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Prima says:

    Oops, I forgot to add, my bust is 28f. I think I am most interested in corsets that sit under the breasts.

  2. Teresa Dominguez says:

    Hi, Lucy
    I am new to waist training, so this is a bit overwhelming to me. I am looking to purchase my first corset, but really don’t know where to start. I don’t really have the time to make my own; we’re always on the run. Can you tell me how to get started? Thanks so much for your help!

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Teresa,
      The best “value” corset company in my opinion would be Timeless Trends as they’re $99, and they’re all double-boned (26 bones total), they give a lovely silhouette and they are fairly sturdy – they also come with a guarantee. If you’re looking for a custom-fit training corset, I suggest you email Elle from Heavenly Corsets as she makes very nice made-to-measure heavy duty waist training corsets (made from coutil and flat steels) for between $200-$250; the lowest I’ve seen of many corsetieres. :)

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