After my last call to action a bit more than a week ago, I was so happy to see many viewers and readers donate to the fundraising campaign for Sidney Eileen. Together we raised the goal amount of $18,000 with about 60 hours to spare, and had raised nearly $21,000 for her (before fees) by the time the campaign had ended.
Slowly, things are getting back to normal (on my end) from a social media standpoint – I’m no longer updating 50 times a day on Facebook, and most of my campaign update videos on Youtube are now set as “Unlisted” (I can provide links for them if anyone wants them, and they’re visible if you have any of these videos saved in a playlist but they’re not searchable on Youtube). If you would like to know what’s going on from Sidney Eileen and Diana’s end, I encourage you to keep an eye on the “Updates” tab of the Indiegogo page, as well as Sidney’s blog/website and her Facebook page.
My schedule is not completely normal yet – I’m going to ask you to still be a little patient around here, as I’m creating the ‘perks’ promised in the campaign.
As it stands, I have 32 individual “thank you” videos to create (film, edit, render and send), 6 customized corset patterns to draft, as well as construct a fully custom underbust corset to make for some wonderful contributors! Additionally I am trying to finish off my last few corset commissions trailing from this past winter. There’s no saying how long this will actually take but I will try to work through all of these tasks in good time while still doing the best job I possibly can. I’m estimating it may take around 2-3 months (working around my other job).
Throughout this process, I’m hoping to still upload videos/ update my blog once a week. After the perks and commissions are finished I hope to go back to “regular programming” here and on Youtube, barraging you all with more hair videos, sewing tutorials, outfit ideas, corseting health and lifestyle vids and more. :) I will also resume the consultation service and selling corsets at that time.
Thank you, friends, for your infinite patience and support!