Teeny corsets for petite or advanced tightlacers

Last updated on June 12, 2024

Many OTR corset brands carry waist sizes that start from 18-20 inches, but what if you need a corset smaller than that? There are women with very small frames, they may be very petite (less than 5 feet tall) or they may be naturally very slim. Other passionate tightlacers may be ready to delve into the world of the smaller-than-18-inch waist. The following corsetieres and businesses are experienced in making teeny corsets for those too petite to wear ready-made corsets.

Corsetieres, if you have made a corset with a closed waist of less than 18″ and have photos, you’re welcome to submit them to be added to the gallery. Safe-for-work photos are preferred! Please email me here. Thank you!

OTR Teeny Corsets

Size 16″ Orchard Corset CS-426 with Hip-ties (Model: @cyanidue on Instagram)
Size 16″ Gemini Corset designed by Lucy (me!) and produced by Timeless Trends corsets (model: Absentia). Click through to see the Gemini in Lucy’s shop.
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Mystic City Corsets regularly makes standard-sized 16″ corsets in various cuts and styles.

Custom Teeny Corsets

Valkyrie Corsets (Brighton, UK) “Astrid” semi-mesh overbust. All of Geraldine’s corsets can be custom ordered smaller than 18 inches (model: Blossoms and Buttercups. Photo: V’s Anchor Studio)
15-inch dove-grey underbust and the 16-inch floral cincher, both by Innova Corsetry (Puerto Rico, USA).
Absentia Couture 16″ lace-covered, raw silk overbust. (corset, ensemble, MUA and model all Absentia)
16″ corset made by Sian Hoffman (UK).
Bizarre Design custom overbust (Model: Dena Massque). Jeroen has made corsets as small as 35cm (less than 14″) in the past!
Lace Embrace 15″ overbust corset made specially for Cathie Jung
The Bad Button (Kentucky, USA) created this brightly-colored custom 17-inch cincher for a client.
PY01 custom cincher with a 15.5" waist, made by Puimond Progressive Corset Design
PY01 custom cincher with a 15.5″ waist, made by Puimond Progressive Corset Design
Kiku Corset Boutique (Manchester, UK) Custom 16″ corset in Gold Silk
Electra Designs custom 17″ longline plunge. Her standard sized corsets go to 16″ as well. (Model: Dena Massque)
Waisted Couture 16" custom overbust (Model: Miss Mosh)
Waisted Couture 16″ custom overbust (Model: Miss Mosh. Photo: Jean Renard)
Morgana Femme Couture custom-fit MF1303. MFC takes special requests for corsets smaller than 18″ if you email them.
Corsets & More overbust 16" longline overbust corset (model: Michèle Köbke)
Corsets & More overbust 16″ longline overbust corset (Model: Michèle Köbke)
House of Canney (coronation corset gown for Violet Chachki in 2016, made for 16” waist)
Enchanted Custom Corsets (Oregon, USA) has taken commisions as small as 16″ for clients. (Model: Nostalgia)

~Honorable Mentions~

SnowBlack Corsets makes teeny corsets - Alice Black models a 17-inch waist corset
SnowBlack Corsets (Poland) made custom 17-inch pieces with beautiful hip springs. (model: Alice Black)
Discontinued 16″ Morticia underbust (measuring 18″ over the corset) by What Katie Did (model: Romanie Smith for Daily Mail)
Lovesick Corrective Apparel 17″ custom overbust (Model: Jade Vixen)
Lovesick Corrective Apparel 17″ custom overbust (Model: Jade Vixen). Lovesick has a sparse social media presence and their current activity is unknown.
17" custom underbust corset made by Jupiter Moon 3 corsets
17″ custom underbust corset made by Jupiter Moon 3 corsets. Model: Hannah Ghore, photo: LeMew Photography. As of 2021, JM3 is currently on maternal leave but may resume corset commissions in the future.
Ophelia Overdose models the "Millenium Robot" ensemble made by Royal Black Couture & Corsetry (from €689 or $950)
Ophelia Overdose models the “Millenium Robot” ensemble made by Royal Black Couture & Corsetry (from €689 or $950). Royal Black is currently on hiatus.
C&S Constructions short hip underbust. C&S Constructions created 14″ stemwaist corsets for past clientele. Constance passed away a number of years ago and it seems as though Stuart is now on indefinite hiatus.

*Please note that I have not personally tried every corset brand in this list, nor do I necessarily endorse every company in these guided galleries. This is for informational purposes only. Please do not attempt to lace down smaller than you are ready; do not participate in crush-lacing, and see a doctor if you feel that you have overlaced. Affiliate links help keep this gallery online and free for everyone to use.

13 thoughts on “Teeny corsets for petite or advanced tightlacers

  1. Helen says:

    Hi Lucy! I recently found out that PureOne Corset Works in Japan makes OTR corsets in extremely small measurements – some of their models (SU, HU, BB, BS to name a few) can be made as small as 34cm fully-closed – that is 13.4 in! That is actually mindblowing to me. I think they’re only available on their Japanese website but with google translate + proxy shipping they shouldn’t be too hard to get. I own a corset from PCW in a different model and I absolutely love it.

    • mifue says:

      I have bought two from PureOne for this reason and they have been lovely. One of them wasn’t even on the site I just emailed them a question and they came back to me with an idea that was a “hybrid” of two corsets in order to be more suitable<3

  2. Jacquelyn Nikole Mesmer says:

    I really appreciate this!!! I’m naturally very small and skinny (5’2 and 90lbs) with a natural 21 in waist is almost impossible to find something that’s small enough that also cinches.

  3. Caroline Åsgård says:

    Thank you for this! I’m 4’9″, and last year realized that I should have been wearing much shorter corsets all along, which means I can go smaller! I had been buying 20″ (the smallest I could find) for years, and now I know where to shop!

  4. WaspWaistLover says:

    Well, there are some very interesting designs offered here. As a wasp waist lover from way back, my motto has always been “The smaller, the better!”. WWL

  5. Alissa says:

    Thanks to your galleries, I own three custom 17″ corsets by now:)) Really enjoy my training leather Puimond underbust and two SnowBlack underbusts, one mesh and one rosebud coutil. I will definitely order more from them, and Bizarre Design is also on my wish list)) These galleries are so tempting!

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Thank you Tamar! I try to cover all the factors here, and it’s great when someone appreciates the work I put into this site. :)

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