Corset History Quiz

How well do you know the different “eras” and the evolution of corsets? See whether your corset knowledge stands the test of time!

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Created on By Lucy


Corset History Quiz

How well do you know the different "eras" and the evolution of corsets? See whether your corset knowledge stands the test of time!

1 / 10


Fast-forward to the 1500s CE. Who was the first recorded nobility in Europe to have worn a corset-like garment?

Photo from Wikipedia commons (public domain)

2 / 10


Some ancient artifacts have been discovered that suggest that certain ancient civilizations wore close-fitting, waist-restricting garments. The oldest-known such artifact was found in which country (as we identify them today)?

Images courtesy of Oneonta and Royal Ontario Museum.

3 / 10


While all of the answers below may have contributed to the abandonment of the traditional corset by the early 20th century, what was arguably the "nail in the coffin" for corsets in the 1910s?

Photo credit: Nannie Burroughs and nine Black women suffragists in 1905. (Library of Congress) More info here.

4 / 10

4. Please place the following in chronological order, from when the term was FIRST used in reference to a tight-fitting garment.

A) bodies
B) corset
C) merry widow
D) pretty housemaid
E) stays

Photo credit: soft corded children's stays (without bones, lacing, or busk), courtesy of Symington Museum, Leicestershire, England.

5 / 10


During which era did some stays briefly become very short, in contrast to the fashion directly preceding and following this period?

Historical Stays by Nemuro Corsetry (click here for the shop - although it will give away the answer!)

6 / 10


Which King was popularly known for wearing a corset?

Portrait of said king painted by Sir William Beechey, ca 1798 (public domain)

7 / 10


By which decade was steel widely used in corsetry?

Corset with exposed steel bones

8 / 10


What was the purpose of a corset in the 19th century? (There is more than one correct response, check ALL that apply.)

1858 corset with crinoline, from the 2004 display from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Photo credit: Star Rabinowitz.

9 / 10


Which of these modern devices are rough "descendants" of a corset? (There is more than one correct response, check ALL that apply.)

Photo credit: Lumbostat brace (read more in my post here.)

10 / 10


Why were Edwardian corsets heavily promoted as "healthier" than the earlier Victorian styles of corsets?

Before we show you your results, are you interested in learning more? See Lucy's YouTube Playlist or check out her recommended book list here to become a master in corset history!

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1 thoughts on “Corset History Quiz

  1. Roger Knights says:

    The sequence of the six quizzes in the initial material on this topic isn’t the same as the sequence in which they are presented when one starts taking them.

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