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Conical vs Round Rib Corsets – How to choose the best silhouette for your body

Gemini longline corset, round rib and conical rib silhouette modeled and designed by Lucy Corsetry

WHAT?! You just got finished reading through a dozen blog posts / watching an hour of corset videos on Youtube to figure out what length and size of corset to get, how many bones it should have, and how much to budget for your corset, and there’s still more to learn??

At the risk of overwhelming the beginners, the silhouette of a corset is what can make or break the whole experience! A corset that is ) ( shaped is often less comfortable than a corset that’s } { shaped, even though the latter seems much more dramatic to the eye, even if the two corsets have the same measurements at the top edge, waistline, and bottom edge.

When I designed the Gemini corsets in 2015, my goal was to empower wearers with a choiceround rib or conical rib? It’s up to their individual preference! However, sometimes too many options can lead to more confusion and analysis paralysis. How do you know which silhouette is right for you? I receive this question almost weekly among my prospective clients, and this list of factors is what developed from having these conversations over the past 7 years. Hopefully this list will help you decide which silhouette is better for you:

(Take the quiz to find out which style is better for you!)

Created on By Lucy

Conical Rib vs Round Rib - Which is Right for Me?

Try this quiz to see if your body and your experience level makes a conical rib corset (aka tapered or straight rib), or a round rib corset (aka a cupped or convex rib) better suited for you!

1 / 12

Is your corseted waist larger than 26 inches (66cm)?

2 / 12

Do you have any prior experience with corsets? Was your last corset more conical or more round ribbed?

3 / 12

Do you experience claustrophobia or have any anxiety around corseting?

4 / 12

Do you sing or do public speaking professionally?

5 / 12

Have you ever played a brass or woodwind instrument?

6 / 12

Have you ever been a competitive swimmer?

7 / 12

Do you have experience with ballet or Pilates?

8 / 12

What is your main reason for wearing a corset?

9 / 12

How do you feel about historical clothing and vintage silhouettes?

10 / 12

How is your digestion on most days?

11 / 12

Have you ever carried a pregnancy to term?

12 / 12

Have you ever cracked or broken a rib before (childhood accidents, contact sports, etc.)

Your score is

The average score is 62%


Physiological factors:

Corset size

Let’s say you have a small frame, and the circumference of your floating ribs is 26 inches around if you were to look at an x-ray of yourself. But let’s also say your natural waist is closer to 40 inches, and you wear a size 32″ corset. The waistline of the corset is still 6 inches bigger than where your natural ribs sit! The corset will cinch in mostly adipose (fat) tissue and possibly some musculature, but mostly affects the squishy flesh that lies over your ribcage, while the ribs themselves might not be compressed much or at all.

However, if someone else has a larger frame but less body fat, such that their floating ribs have a lower circumference of 28 inches but they happen to wear a size 22″ corset, their ribs will have to accommodate a lot more compression. For this reason, many bigger corset wearers who have softer waistlines and wear corset sizes larger than 26″ find it easier to wear conical rib corsets compared to very lean corset wearers who wear smaller waist sizes.

Singing, public speaking, or playing a brass instrument

Singing, public speaking, and other activities which require projecting the voice, usually requires diaphragmatic breathing and a large lung capacity. Since conical rib corsets can result in more shallow breathing, speakers and performers that depend on the strength of their voice may prefer a more round rib corset.

Brass instruments strengthen the diaphragm and costal muscles in a way that singing or most woodwind instruments don’t. Blowing through a tiny aperture in order to create the “buzz” takes a lot of strength to overcome the resistance. Not only does this build up the muscles around your ribs (and more muscle tone can make your body more resistant to waist training) but also taking full, deep breaths over and over again for years during brass practice can cause your ribs to expand or flare permanently, creating a more barrel-shaped rib cage.

Woodwind instruments don’t require as much diaphragmatic strength so they typically don’t have as much resistant muscle, but they still require a large lung capacity.

Of course – if you don’t use it, you lose it – if you quit playing the tuba after middle school, you will likely lose some of that muscle tone, but a flared rib can persist. If you no longer practice a brass or woodwind instrument and your goal is to make your ribs appear more narrow, a conical corset may help with this.

Competitive sports – especially swimming

While all strenuous sports require deep breathing, competitive swimming is particularly demanding on core and back strength, as well as regulating your breathing. This goes for speed swimming as well as synchronized swimming, and even “mermaiding” and freediving (where a large lung capacity is advantageous to stay underwater for extended periods of time).

Just like with playing brass instruments, this type of exercise builds up corset-resistant muscles around the ribs, and also can eventually cause flared ribs. If you no longer swim competitively and your goal is to train your larger ribs to be more narrow, a conical corset may help with this.

Ballet and/or Pilates

Ah, finally a sport that complements corseting instead of fighting against it! Ballet and Pilates are both activities designed to contract the core and “close” the ribs. They prioritize both lean strength and flexibility of the body’s muscle groups. As conical rib corsets also “close” and taper the ribs, wearers who have previous experience with these activities may be at an advantage. Learning how to breathe with contracted ribs through sport, they may already naturally breathe in a way that’s conducive to wearing corsets. And if they have sufficient flexibility in their oblique muscles, they might find it comfortable to wear corsets.

Those who dance professionally may not want to waist train strenuously or as a lifestyle, because wearing corsets for 23 hours a day, 6-7 days a week can atrophy core muscles and work against your dance training. However, those who dance moderately or casually can also lace moderately. It’s common for corset wearers to be mistaken for dancers due to their good posture and subtle changes to their movement!

Cracked or broken ribs, past or present (childhood accidents, contact sports, etc)

This goes without saying – if you have any previous injuries to your ribs, this can cause rib sensitivity, asymmetry through the ribs, more rib rigidity (bone fractures can put you at marginally higher risk for refracture), and generally more discomfort and resistance to anything pushing down on your ribs, also known as A Bad Time when it comes to trying to wear a conical rib corset.

Interestingly, some folks with hypermobility can experience spontaneous rib dislocation, where their ribs “pop out” of place suddenly and painfully. Bioanthropologist Dr Rebecca Gibson and Kitty Krell of Crimson Rose Corsetry are two such people with H-EDS who experience this, and both wear corsets for medical purposes – a conical silhouette corset can place continuous pressure on the ribs to prevent them from popping out.

If you’ve ever had an injury to your ribs, whether it led to a broken rib or not, proceed with caution and even bring it up with your doctor before attempting to train your ribs.


All sorts of interesting things happen during pregnancy (especially in third trimester). Most relevant among them: your body creates the hormone relaxin which loosens all the ligaments of your body. This is designed to widen the pelvis to allow passage of the baby during natural labor, but as the hormone doesn’t discriminate and affects every joint in your body, it can also result in side effects like one’s feet growing a shoe size – and flaring of the ribs (especially in someone with a short torso and/or large baby that pushes out on the ribs).

That’s not to say that one can’t wear a conical rib corset to train the ribs inward again, but it may take more work and more discomfort compared to someone who was never pregnant. And if you ever plan to have more kids, you can expect your ribs to flare right back out again, leading some to believe that training the ribs between pregnancies is a practice of futility. If this is you, you may be more comfortable with a round rib silhouette in the interim – at least until you’re certain you’re done having children.

Digestive issues

This is another situation where YMMV, especially in the case of IBS where one can fluctuate between constipation and diarrhea, and any number of irritants or food sensitivities can set one off. One person might be able to eat grapes and high-FODMAP fruits in a corset without bloating, another person might be able to drink milk just fine, and yet another person might be able to consume neither without debilitating pain.

Oddly enough, it’s worth mentioning that (anecdotally! Not done in any peer-reviewed study) the conical rib seems to be a more comfortable choice for people who have sensitive tummies, while the “pinchy” waist restriction of a very cupped or pipestem corset can set off acid reflux or IBS issues for some. While we could speculate as to why this happens (it may have to do with the effectiveness with which a cupped-rib corset can “divide and conquer” as Fran Blanche put it in an old article), it really seems to depend on the person.

Of course, ideally you should be in good health with regular digestion if you wish to pursue waist training at all. You will need to be monitoring your bathroom activities when you start waist training anyway.

Previous corseting experience

The body responds best to consistency. If you started with a round rib corset, it may feel easier to continue with round ribbed corsets (maybe even progressing to “rounder” and more cupped in silhouette).

Likewise, if you started with a more tapered-rib corset, you may find yourself gravitating towards more conical silhouettes (maybe even progressing to dramatically “geometric” ice-cream cone ribbed corsets).

If you’re still looking for your very first corset, the Gemini may not be the corset for you because it is specifically designed to give a very dramatic, striking silhouette, designed for advanced waist reduction. (However, if your body is naturally curvy (curvier than an hourglass) such that a Gemini might be the right beginner corset for you, continue reading through the rest of this article to determine which silhouette might be better to start with.)

Model wears the Gemini corset in the conical sihouette (left) and the round rib silhouette (right)

Psychological factors and personal preference:


If you have claustrophobia or if you get anxious from waist restriction, the Gemini corset may not be the corset for you because it is specifically designed to be a very dramatic, striking silhouette, designed for advanced waist reduction.

However, this conversation is meant to be about silhouette in general, not necessarily waist reduction (there are more mild-reduction corsets out there that have straight ribs or rounded ribs, if you’re more of a beginner and trying to choose between them!).

If you have limited experience with corsets, any round rib style is likely to be better for those who might have claustrophobia or anxiety around corseting. A round rib Gemini corset has the ability to place pressure primarily at the waistline, and little to no pressure on the ribs and hips, so it can feel more like a narrow training belt (while still looking stunning).

YMMV though, as some folks like the narrow band of pressure, while others find it unnerving and would much rather have the smooth, gradual (for lack of a better word) gradient of pressure that comes with a conical rib, even though it results in more compression overall. As with all things that affect your psyche, it’s very much subjective and up to individual preference.

Your main purpose or goal for wearing a corset

Different tissues and systems of the body have different levels of difficulty when it comes to waist training. As we mentioned under #1, fat (adipose) tissue is the softest and compresses readily by corsets (although it also tends to bounce back easily, and so it’s more difficult to see long-term results if you’re compressing primarily adipose tissue).

Oblique muscles take time to first stretch and then ‘mold’ to the shape of a corset (can take many months). Bones take the longest time as it requires your costal joints to become more flexible, and for very advanced (lifestyle) corseters, there’s even an element of bone remodeling over years! So if your main goal is long-term waist training to make your natural waist smaller (semi)permanently, then the conical rib will be more effective in achieving this.

If however your goal is for a temporary but dramatic-as-possible tightlaced silhouette, the round rib may be the better choice.

If you are looking for a gentle hug of a corset for back support and pain relief, going for a gently tapered silhouette in a mild waist reduction will be better than swinging too dramatically on either end of the spectrum (too conical can hurt one’s ribs, and too cupped can hurt one’s lower back if it’s not well fitted to your body or experience level).

Your aesthetic preference (and taste in historical clothing)

Most historical corsets have a more tapered rib, from the very straight Elizabethan bodies, to the smoothly tapered Victorian corsets, and the even slightly more conical Edwardian S-curve corsets. The very conical silhouette of the straight-ribbed Gemini lends itself particularly well under 1940s and 1950s Dior New Look retro style clothing.

On the other hand, when corset enthusiasts speak of anatomically correct / anatomically patterned corsets, they are typically talking about more round-ribbed and convex-hipped corsets which gently cup and support the rigid areas of the skeletal frame, while only compressing the soft areas of the body (the squishy waistline). If this is your preference, and if you like “stealthing” under modern clothing, the round rib may be more to your liking.

What additional factors, if any, would you add to this list? Do you personally prefer round rib or conical rib corsets? Leave a comment below!

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Gemini Corset Review (Timeless Trends / Lucy Corsetry collaboration)

Disclosure: I designed the Gemini underbust in both silhouettes, and it’s manufactured by Timeless Trends. If you’re considering purchasing a Gemini corset and you’d like to support my business and designs, please consider purchasing the Gemini here through my online shop.


Fit, length Center front is 11 inches long, the princess seam is 9.5 inches (fairly evenly distribued above and below), the side seam is 11 inches and the center back is 13.5 inches long.
Rib spring is 8″, high hip spring is 12″, and low hip spring is 16″.
Comes in 2 silhouettes (low rib spring of conical rib version is 2.5″, and low rib spring of round rib version is 5″).
Material All designs are 3 layers: The fashion fabric is a choice of creme cotton or black cashmere, and the lining and interlining are always cotton twill.
Construction 6-panel pattern (12 panels total). Panels 2-3-4 give space for the roundness of the ribs in the cupped rib verion, and panels 3-4-5 make the curve over the hip. Constructed using the sandwich method.
Waist tape One-inch-wide waist tape, secured “invisibly” between the layers of fabric. Full width (extends from center front panel to center back).
Binding Matching strips of fashion fabric (creme cotton or black cashmere), machine stitched on both sides. Stitched in the ditch on the outside, and small topstitch on the inside. Also has 6 garter tabs (3 on each side).
Modesty panel No back modesty panel, but stiffened floating modesty panels are available for separate purchase (the Gemini would fit the long panels). In the front, there is a 1/2 inch wide modesty placket, finished in the same fashion fabric.
Busk 10” long, with 5 loops and pins, equidistantly spaced. Standard flexible busk, 1/2″ wide on each side (with adjacent flat steels on each side).
Boning For sizes 22″ and above, there are 32 bones total in this corset, 16 on each side. Double boned on the seams with ¼ inch wide spirals, and single spirals in the middle of the wider panels, panels 3-4-5 (sizes 18″ and 20″ don’t have these extra bones in the middle of the panels due to the panels being so narrow). The bones sandwiching the grommets are 3/8″ wide flat steel, and one flat steel adjacent to the busk.
Grommets There are 28, two-part size #0 grommets (14 on each side). They have a small / medium flange and are spaced equidistantly, and finished in pewter / gunmetal grey.
Laces The black cashmere version comes with black, 3/8” wide flat nylon “workhorse” shoelace. The creme cotton comes with creme, 1/2″ wide single-faced satin ribbon which matches the cotton better.
Price Available in sizes 18″ up to 36″ closed waist. If there is enough demand, this range may increase up to 42″ closed waist.
All Gemini corsets in all silhouettes are $99 USD.
Available in my corset shop here.


Gemini Corsets (conical rib on the left and round rib on the right), Model is Eva, who wears a size 18″.

Final Thoughts:

The Gemini is made to fit people with a similar torso length to fit TT’s standard length hourglass corsets, but give a bit more of a longline appearance while not affecting one’s ability to sit down comfortably.

There are pros and cons to each silhouette.

Try the round rib silhouette if any or several of the following apply to you:

  • you have a broad ribcage or barrel chest
  • you are a swimmer / athlete and have a muscular back and torso
  • you are a singer or you play a brass instrument
  • you require your full lung capacity
  • you feel claustrophobic or short-of-breath when you wear a conical rib corset
  • you don’t want to train your ribs
  • your costal joints (where your ribs “hinge” in the back) are rigid and your ribs can’t compress
  • your ribs themselves are sensitive, you might have have broken / injured your ribs from an accident in the past, and your ribs don’t take well to pressure
  • you just love the look of a round rib corset!

Try the conical rib silhouette if any or several of the following apply to you:

  • you have a naturally tapered or narrow ribcage, and you don’t “fill out” round rib corsets
  • you want to train your ribs over time
  • you are interested in waist training to achieve a naturally smaller waist over time (even when the corset comes off – a smaller ribcage gives more semipermanent results, as opposed to very temporary results)
  • you have very flexible floating ribs and flexible costal joints that “hinge” easily
  • you want to fit into vintage clothing that might have a more conical rib than you have naturally
  • you love the look of a conical rib corset, and otherwise you have no health issues that prevent you from wearing one.

For those who have hypermobility disorders and you experience subluxation of your ribs, I would recommend speaking to your doctor, chiropractor, osteopath etc. regarding which silhouette or style of corset (if any) would work best with your condition. Some patients do better if their ribs are tightly bound (such as with a conical rib corset) so the rib doesn’t “pop out”, but some patients cannot tolerate compression on their ribs (as it might push their ribs inward too much) and this may necessitate a more round rib design. So discuss this with your trusted health professional who has a decent knowledge of your personal medical history and personal situation.

For total disclosure: I designed the Gemini underbust in both silhouettes, and it’s manufactured by Timeless Trends. If you’re considering purchasing a Gemini corset and you’d like to support my business and designs, please consider purchasing the Gemini here through my online shop!

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Hourglass Corsets have Arrived!


Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 9.12.25 PM

I’m proud to announce that the hourglass silhouette corsets are now up in the shop!

Back in June, myself and Sarah (Administrator for Timeless Trends, beside me in the first picture) travelled to Bangkok, Thailand to redesign the Timeless Trends and Black Iris corset patterns.

The corsets still have their “essence” (they are still immediately recognizable as Timeless Trends) but they all now feature a larger rib spring and hip spring (so the waist can be cinched further), comfortable cupped ribs, and a neutral lumbar curve – these corset patterns were draped on a human body, so they are surprisingly comfortable.

We’ve also added extra features such as an extra pair of garter tabs (now 6 instead of 4) and front modesty placket under the busk. Stiffened and suspendable back modesty panels are available for separate purchase in white and black, with other colors possible in future.

Lucy in hourglass longline underbust, in emerald brocade
Lucy in hourglass longline underbust, in emerald brocade

Timeless Trends and I worked hard over the past several months to consider every element of the construction process of these corsets so we can preserve their lifetime warranty, and I’m extremely proud of the results.

Next week, I’ll be uploading an overview of the new hourglass longline underbust, as well as a highlights video of my experience working in the factory in Thailand to my Youtube channel.

In the meantime, you are welcome to ask any questions about details of the corsets, the redesign process, the factory conditions, or my Thailand adventures in general.

You’ll find the new hourglass silhouette corsets for sale here in my corset shop.