Overbust Corsets with Cups

Last updated on July 20, 2024

Cupped overbust corsets are often confused with bustiers or Merry Widows, but in the words of Julia Bremble, “a corset with cups is as corsetty as any other corset if it does a corsetty job.” I personally adore my cupped overbusts because they give a more natural silhouette under clothing compared to conventional overbusts (which may flatten the bust or lift the bust too high). Wearing a well-made cupped overbust under clothing looks like you’re wearing a bra, combined with a cinched waist. They work very well under strapless dresses, and in particular vintage shelf-bust dresses.Those who are particularly heavy-busted may find that a cupped overbust takes considerable pressure off the neck, shoulders and upper back by supporting the bust properly from below and eliminating the need for shoulder straps . If you don’t like the cupped corset aesthetic, I have another gallery featuring corsetieres that make conventional overbusts (without cups) designed specifically to fit top-heavy women.

*Corsetieres, if you have made cupped overbust corsets and you have a photo to submit to the gallery, please feel free to email me here. Safe-for-work photos are preferred. Thank you!

Cupped overbusts by custom corsetieres
Cupped overbust patterns and tutorials
Honorable Mentions (archived)

Madame Sher (Brazil) “Mermaid” overbust with Cups, $600 (cupped styles start at 1.569 BRL or about $285 USD)
Karolina Laskowska (Norway) modeling her own “Violente” cupped overbust
Nemuro Corsets (Georgia) Cupped Overbust corset with busk or zipper, Regular price $330 USD
Innova Corsetry (Puerto Rico) cupped overbust dress (model/mua: @isadora.makeupartist)
Rose Sathler (Brazil) Silk Shantung Cup Overbust with French Style Lace, R$1,400 (about $255 USD)
Moody Corsetry (UK) Cupped Overbust (model: Laura Miss Porter)
Client modeling bespoke cupped overbust with pipestem waist made by TO.mTO Berlin
Kitty Krell of Crimson Rose Corsetry (Colorado) modeling her own cupped overbust
Corsets & More (Germany) cupped overbust as part of a wedding gown
Cadavre Exquis Couture (Belgium). Model: Sara Scarlet
Royal Black "Queen of the Night" outfit, starts at €1799 (about $2450)
Royal Black “Queen of the Night” outfit, starts at €1799 (about $2450) (Royal Black is currently on hiatus from commissions, but offers cupped corset patterning/ fitting/ construction tutorials! See bottom of this gallery)
Ivy Rose Custom Designs hand-dyed cupped overbust (who also makes custom full-bust bras!), Alberta, Canada.
Bridal Cupped Overbust by Wild Rose Atelier (Ottawa, Canada), modeled by the corsetiere, Rebecca Balfour.
Vanyanis (Australia/ New Zealand) retro cupped overbust, Modeled by Tara Moss
Period Corsets (Washington) “Stevie”, a c.1950 Merry Widow Corset, $383 USD
“La Sylphide” cupped overbust by Waisted Creations (Norway/UK), part of her book “A Modern Corset Making Guide”. Model: Threnody in Velvet.
Ferrer Corsets (Brazil) “Crimson Passion” overbust with cups, R$ 2790 (about $505 USD)
Irissa Art (Russia) cupped overbust, part of her corset making masterclasses
Atelier Nadia Derisheva Cupped Overbust Corset
Unisex Peanuts (Japan) Cupped Overbust Corset
Lace Embrace Atelier (BC Canada): Leather cupped overbust featured in TV show “Get Shorty”
“The Chrysalis” cupped overbust created and modeled by Marloes Dadswell
Pleated cupped overbust by Seabreeze Costume: corset commissions accepted via Instagram
Smoky “Patronus” inspired costume including cupped overbust, by The Costume Countess
Unartig Boutique (Germany) Cupped Overbust Corset
Unartig Boutique (Germany) longline cupped overbust (model: @janehelvete)
Anachronism in Action bra-cup-style overbust, custom starts at $435
Anachronism in Action (California) bra-cup-style overbust, custom starts at $435
Womans Armor Workshop (Russia) Cupped Overbust
Sian Hoffman “Sappho” Cupped Overbust
Full-bust undergarment cupped overbust  by Ggis Corsets
Cherries Pin-Up Picnic overbust corset with cups by The Bad Button
The Bad Button (Kentucky) “Cherries Pin-Up Picnic” overbust corset with cups; custom starts at $470
Totally Waisted! corsets cupped overbust, $900
Cupped overbust by Bone and Busk Couture (Katharina Mior), custom commissions available, Toronto, Canada.
After Elizabeth (UK, moved from corsetry to bridal)
Bibian Blue (Spain) Overbust Corset SS21 collection, Photography @albagestiphoto, Model @sariegomonica, MUA @annacartesmakeup, Hair Stylist: @sabarizhairtists
House of 1000 Corsets (Washington) Cupped Overbust (Seattle)
Evgeniya Makarenko (Russia) Cupped Overbust. Click through and swipe for videos on the construction for this corset!
Moriel Corsetry (Russia) Cupped Overbust (model: katrin_lanfire)
Orchid Corsetry (UK) “Silhouettes At Sunset” cupped overbust, prices start from £1250 GBP
“Alexis” wedding corset, by The Ardent Collection
Ivy’s Custom Corsetry (Michigan) Red Velvet Cupped Overbust (model: Leena Allure)
Margo Corsets Cupped Overbust (Russia), $198 USD
Mime Corsets (Russia) lightweight red mesh cupped overbust

Tutorials / Patterns for Cupped Overbusts:

Royal Black Tutorial BUNDLE (parts 1, 2 and 3) patterning, fitting, and constructing cupped corsets, Digital Download ($63 USD)
Corsets by Caroline: Crescent Cupped Overbust Pattern, Digital Download ($18 USD)
Corsets by Caroline: Abi Cupped Overbust Pattern, Digital Download ($20 USD)
Sin & Satin: Cupped Overbust Corset Pattern, Digital Download ($16 USD)
Anachronism In Action: Joker Cupped Overbust Pattern, Digital Download ($9 USD)
Waisted Creations printed cupped corset pattern (La Sylphide) £15 GBP. Model: Threnody in Velvet

~Honorable Mentions~

Versatile Corsets (Oregon) Mimosa cupped overbust, $428 USD
Cupped and corded overbust by Lost in Wonderland Lingerie & Corsetry
Cupped and corded overbust by Lost in Wonderland Lingerie & Corsetry (Lost in Wonderland seems to have moved exclusively to lingerie)
Sinner Couture (Russia/Italy) “Hellbilly Chic” cupped overbust, $450 USD. Modeled by the corsetiere, Yana Sinner.
Sparklewren cupped sheer overbust (only available for in-person fittings). Photo: InaGlo, Model: Ivory Flame
Sparklewren cupped sheer overbust (no longer accepting commissions). Photo: InaGlo, Model: Ivory Flame

*Please note that I have not personally tried every corset brand in this list, nor do I necessarily endorse every company in these guided galleries. This is for informational purposes only; please email any of the above makers to learn more about their corsets. Etsy Affiliate links help to keep this gallery online and free to use.

28 thoughts on “Overbust Corsets with Cups

  1. Emma-Louise Stafford says:


    The lady that makes these corsets has many cupped styles they are exquisite. And the only ones I’ve had the pleasure of seeing in person, that cinch the waist properly and are give an amazingly flattering and secure bustline! I don’t know if you have seen her work, she is in Melbourne Australia, have a look my favourites are the poka dots ones.. I tried one on and it was sensational.. one day I’ll get me one lol x

  2. Charli says:

    Hi Lucy
    Do you have any advice for making a cupped corset with a busk for a large cup?

    I’m working with someone and she’s worried about it getting the wires to sit flush in the centre and not gape forward

    • Lucy says:

      Hi Charli, I’ve only made a handful of cupped overbust corsets myself, and not for particularly full busts (maximum DD cup) – however I know that Foundations Revealed has several tutorials on cupped overbusts as well as full-bust overbust, and their Facebook group community will be glad to help you!

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