Corset Myths Quiz

How well can you separate fact from fiction? Test your debunking skills here!

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Created on By Lucy


Corset Myths Quiz

How well can you separate fact from fiction? Test your debunking skills here!

1 / 10

1. True or False: Corsets can sometimes cause a wearer to faint.

2 / 10

2. Corsets have been blamed for which ailments in the past?

3 / 10

3. True or False: Corsets were continually forced upon women by men.

4 / 10

4. True or False: Corsets can exacerbate a respiratory infection / pneumonia.

5 / 10

5. True or False: Victorian women complained of broken ribs in their corsets.

6 / 10

6. True or False: All Victorian women strived for an 18" waist, like Scarlett O'Hara.

7 / 10

7. True or False: Victorian women experienced 10% higher maternal death rates compared to 20th century women (after corsets fell out of fashion).

8 / 10

8. True or False: Corsets might change the placement or filling of fat cells in certain areas of the body.

9 / 10

9. True or False: Victorian women had elective surgery to remove their ribs in order to lace into smaller corsets.

10 / 10

10. True or False: Victorian women experienced so much core atrophy that they could not stand upright without a corset.

Before we show you your results, are you interested in learning more? See Lucy's physical effects of corseting to become an expert in how the body responds to the pressure from a corset!

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