Tag Archives: solaced

(Newly Updated and Improved) Solaced Book in Paperback is finally here!

I’m thrilled to announce that, 5.5 years after the release of my ebook, Solaced: 101 [...]

Corsets and Riding a Bike / Motorcycle

Welcome to another Fast Foundation Friday! Today we will explore the question of whether you’re [...]

Lucy’s Personal Corset Journey – A Reading

When better-known authors release a book and go on tour, they sometimes read the first [...]

Why Anthologies Are Important (Solaced Ebook Rant)

This is a summary/ transcript of last Friday’s rant. You can watch the video, or [...]

Corset Benefits Book (Chapter Preview!) + Your Thoughts Wanted!

Photo [Right]: Juno Lucina is one of the writers for Solaced – you’ll read her story [...]