Tag Archives: pregnancy

How 15 years of Corset Training affected my Pregnancy Experience

I compare my 15+ years of corset training experience with my one pregnancy experience, in [...]

Is it Possible to “Shrink your Hips” using a Corset or Girdle?

  “I’ve been wearing a corset for a few months, and I like the way [...]

Corset Wearer’s Organs Illuminated by MRI

  I can hardly contain my excitement! For the first time, we have public information [...]

WAIST TRAINING RESULTS: How long should it take?

  Here’s a question I receive nearly every day: “My natural waist is 30 inches, [...]

Shapewear Squeezes your Organs? My response.

A few days ago, HuffPost released this article on how stretch shapewear and compression wear are [...]

Do Corsets Affect the Uterus, Fertility or Pregnancy?

This entry is a summary of the video “Corsets and the Reproductive System” which you [...]