Tag Archives: posture

Thin or Thick Corset Profiles: Comparing Silhouettes and Cross Section

How many of you have stood in front of the mirror while wearing a corset, [...]

Corset Back TOO Straight? Curving Steel Bones for a Healthy, Neutral Posture

Last week I wrote about what to do when your steels are too bendy or difficult [...]

Corsets and Skeletal Deformities: Anthropological Study

In September 2015, The Canadian Student Journal of Anthropology (Nexus) included an anthropological study of [...]

When to Consider an Overbust Corset – and When to Pass

In the past, I have quickly outlined why, if you would like to wear corset [...]

Where to buy Corsets that correct posture/ corsets with shoulder straps

Note that this post is a copy of the same one under the “Research Corset [...]

Corsets and their Effect on Muscle Tone, Sculpting & Flexibility

Corseting obviously affects many parts of the body, some systems more obviously than others. One [...]

Using Corsets as part of Scoliosis Correction

I happily stumbled across this fantastic publication today. Published quite recently (early 2012), it is [...]

How Corsets Heal: 20 Benefits

Thank you for your interest in learning about the benefits a corset can bring to [...]

Corsets and Sleep

This entry is a summary of the video “Corsets and Sleep”. If you would like [...]