Tag Archives: history

Did Victorian Women Break In Their Corsets?

  Many moons ago, one of my Tumblr followers asked: “Did people season their corsets [...]

A Brief History of Hysteria

The history of the “medical condition” of hysteria is a long, winding, somewhat convoluted one. [...]

Corsets and the Victorian Fainting Culture

In a previous article, we discussed how feeling faint or light headed is caused by [...]

“Victorian Secrets: What a Corset Taught Me about the Past, the Present, and Myself” by Sarah A. Chrisman — an Overview

I admit it. I’m terrible at book reviews. So many years of working in biology [...]

Corset article series by Deanna Dahlsad of Kitsch-Slapped

In 2009, Deanna Dahlsad (aka Pop-Tart) of Kitsch-Slapped wrote this refreshing corset-positive (or in the [...]