Pairs of Bodies, Effigies, Stays

Last updated on July 18, 2024

Antique stays with stomacher, France, c. 1730-1740

This gallery will include some Tudor-style stays, Elizabethan-style stays, Stuart-style stays, and Antoinette-style stays, spanning the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries (Please also note that I focused on the longer stays, and I did not include the unique shortened stays of the Regency Era – I created an exclusive gallery for Regency stays here).

I’m well-aware that I am grouping together some 300 years of undergarments in this gallery, but if you scroll through, you’ll discover that some of these corset makers also make hybrid stays and Elizabethan-inspired corsets without remaining historically accurate, so they would be difficult to further categorize. At some point, I may consider splitting this gallery into multiple smaller ones to cover the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries individually, but for now enjoy a conglomerate of pre-industrial-era corsetry – use these visual cues to decide which era is your favorite for pairs of bodies, effigies, and stays!

Please note: with the recent wave of interest in Elizabethan and Georgian stays due to period dramas like Mary and George, there have been a ton of new brands popping up trying to capitalize on the trend. I can’t guarantee that all will be period accurate, high quality, or how long their brand will exist after popularity dies down. It would be wise to seek out those with longevity in the corset industry and particularly historical reproduction work, like RedThreaded, Period Corsets©, and Nemuro Corsets, but of course the full list is offered here for posterity.

*Corset makers: if you have made fan-laced corsets and would like to be included in the gallery, please submit your best photo to my email here with a 1-sentence description and your website URL. Safe-for-work photos are preferred! Thank you!*

Woodsholme (USA) also makes lovely reproductions like this "Effigy" Elizabethan pair of bodies complete with historically-accurate sewn eyelets and spiral lacing, $300.
Woodsholme (USA) also makes lovely reproductions like this c. 1603 “Effigy” Elizabethan bodies, complete with historically-accurate sewn eyelets and spiral lacing.
Joyssance: Elizabethan Stays, Made to Order Starting at $388 USD
Rainbow Curve Corsetry (Netherlands) Stays
RedThreaded on Etsy is a treasure trove of historical reproductions, like these Tudor style stays in gold silk with a perfectly pattern-matched motif.
RedThreaded (USA) on Etsy is a treasure trove of historical reproductions, like these Tudor style stays in gold silk with a perfectly pattern-matched motif. ($318)
Nemuro Corsets (Georgia) offers historical stays for nearly every era, including these 1680s fully boned stays with more customization options like handstitched eyelets and armpit guards ($560)
In the words of the corsetiere (Anachronism in Action, California), this payre of bodies is “made from satin coutil with plum silk satin binding and leather appliqué. Stays have functional spiral lacing, and a mixture of steel and artificial whalebone for support.” I adore the subtle yet sophisticated scalloped detail in the back!
In the words of the corsetiere (Anachronism in Action, California), this payre of bodies is “made from satin coutil with plum silk satin binding and leather appliqué. Stays have functional spiral lacing, and a mixture of steel and artificial whalebone for support.”
I adore the subtle yet sophisticated scalloped detail in the back!
PeriodCorsets© (USA) makes reproduction stays and corsets ranging from 1560 – 1950. The one shown here is the 1660 “Kristina” corset. $507
Vanyanis (Australia) c. 1700 reproduction-stays feature the quintessential flattened bust and tabs at the hips.
Vanyanis (Australia) c. 1700 reproduction-stays feature the quintessential flattened bust and tabs at the hips.
Tailor of Two Cities (USA) made this stunning 18th century reproduction stays with floating stomacher ($480).
Catherine Chan Costumier: 1735-1750 Stays
Toile de jouy reproduction stays made from an original 1785 pattern by Crikey Aphrodite (Scotland), priced at £500 commissioned in your size.
Toile de jouy reproduction stays made from an original 1785 pattern by Crikey Aphrodite (Scotland), priced at £400 commissioned in your size.
Handmaid’s Trade (UK) made this 1776 corset pattern in a dove blue (£165).
Belphoebe Designs: Custom 18th Century Stays, Starting at $547 USD
Recreation of 18th century “Marie Antoinette” inspired stays by Corsets and Costumes (UK) Commissions Accepted
Vintage Rose Corset: 18th Century Stays “Marie Antoinette” in Royal Cream, Made to Measure €250
Gorgeous Rococo-inspired stays by Alice Corsets (Ukraine)
18th Century tapestry jacquard stays by Madame Sher (Brazil).
Mysterious deep green 1700’s style stays by Viola Lahger (Sweden). Photo: Jocke Jonsson. Model: Tea
Prior Attire Georgian Stays, Bespoke Available
Emily Bennison Historical Stays, Circ. 1830, Bespoke Available from $150 USD
Skeletons in the Closet Corsetry (Netherlands) made this lovely hybrid of Marie Antoinette inspired stays. Photo credits: Amesbury Rose by Eline Spek. Muah Cloe
The Bad Button (USA) takes inspiration from new and old to create “Versailles”, a hybrid of 18th century and modern corsetry ($800 custom).


Red Threaded has several pattern styles of Stays on their Etsy shop, $20 USD
Corsets by Caroline Pattern! – a 9 panelled corset pattern based on an early 18th century ‘stays’ design (c1715), $15 USD
Scroop Patterns: Augusta Stays 1775-1789, $18 USD
American Duchess sells Simplicity Patterns for 18th Century Stays, $12.50 USD

~Honorable Mentions~

Charlotte Raine Corsetry (UK) made Tudor/ Elizabethan stays (16th C), Stuart stays (17th C) and shown here the 18th C stays called the “Antoinette”
Serindë Corsets (France) created this entire Elizabethan ensemble and is experienced in making simply bodices as well. Photo: NB pix. Model & mua : Indis Tesla. Hair: Coraline Nega Tif. Jewelry : La Camériste
Serindë Corsets (France) created this entire Elizabethan ensemble and is experienced in making simply bodices as well. Photo: NB pix. Model & mua : Indis Tesla. Hair: Coraline Nega Tif. Jewelry : La Camériste
Stunning 18th-century-inspired hybrid stays, by Beata Sievi Corset Artist (Switzerland)
Rossetti is a well-respected maker of ballet costumes and unconventional wedding dresses, who also made magnificent corsets and stays, like this “Ophelia” 18th century stay.
As an honorable mention, Tabistry created these “Stay Tab Tabbed Stays” made from ribbon and aluminum can tabs! Click through to find MielJolie’s shop where you can purchase the pattern and instructions to make your own!

*Please note that I have not personally tried every corset brand in this list, nor do I necessarily endorse every company in this list. This is for informational purposes only. Please contact the individual corsetieres for more information on their stays. Etsy affiliate links which keep these galleries online and free for everyone to use.

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