Corsets with Zippers

Corsets with zippers, while not traditional, are becoming an attractive option these days for the ubiquity of the zips (they are easier to source for many corsetieres) and their familiar use compared to the brief learning curve required of busk use. While I tend to avoid OTR corsets that have zippers (they tend not to be properly supported by bones and don’t feature a stiffened ‘underbusk’ bone), there are many bespoke corsets made today that can be customized with a zipper, and these can even be suitable for waist training or tightlacing!

When looking for zippers, I recommend metal teeth (and as of 2021, more recently heavy-duty molded plastic) NOT lightweight spiral nylon zippers or dainty invisible zips, which can easily be warped or damaged. The two most common brands of zips I’ve seen in custom corsets include YKK (“the zipper behemoth”) and RiRi (“the Rolls Royce of zippers”).

Corsetieres, if you have a corset that features a zipper closure, send me an email with your best picture (safe-for-work photos preferred!) and a short description – you can have your work added to this gallery!

OTR zipper corsets
custom zipper corsets
zipper corset patterns & tutorials
honorable mentions (archived and retired)

A Couple OTR/RTW Options:

TT black cashmere hourglass underbust corset with silver front zipper closure, available from Lucy's corsetry $99 USD
Timeless Trends Black Cashmere Front Zip Corset $114


Mystic City Corsets MCC25 Glitter PVC Underbust Corset, $119

~Custom/Bespoke Zipper Corsets~


Hebi Corsets (Italy) Zipper Overbust Corset with Cutout


Nemuro Corsets Zipper Underbust Corsets, $250


Pop Antique makes a stunning front-zip corset integrated into a soft red jersey dress. Model: herself (Victoria Dagger). Photo: Max Johnson.
Pop Antique (Now a part of Dark Garden) makes a stunning front-zip corset integrated into a soft red jersey dress. Model: herself (Victoria Dagger). Photo: Max Johnson.


Moody Corsetry (UK) Purple Ombre Zipper Underbust Corset


Emerald Queen Art (Poland) Zipper Ribbon Underbust Corset


Seafoamy burlesque outfit from Whitechapel Workhouse in London, England, again featuring a zipper closure in the front. Model: Immodesty Blaize. Photo: Tigz Rice
Seafoamy burlesque outfit from Whitechapel Workhouse in London, England, again featuring a zipper closure in the front. Model: Immodesty Blaize. Photo: Tigz Rice


Valkyrie Corsets (UK) fox themed Pointed Overbust Corset with  matching orange zipper and “hip fins”


Northbound Leather (NSFW) in Toronto, Canada does stunning high-reduction corsets (both overbust and underbust) with a zip closure.
Northbound Leather (NSFW) in Toronto, Canada does stunning high-reduction corsets (both overbust and underbust) with a zip closure.


Crimson Rose Corsetry “Power Corset” with heavy-duty molded plastic zipper (chosen for its ability to lock in place, in addition to being waterproof)


Wyte Phantom (UK) red sparkly zipper overbust (designed for quick change performance), with matching high-slit skirt featuring a red lining. (Model: Jake Dupree)


Wyte Phantom (UK) fun pink zipper overbust corset (Model / client: @morbidfrog)


Silk underbust by KMK Designs, featuring a zip front closure.
Silk underbust by KMK Designs, featuring a zip front closure. Photo: Jen Montgomery


Orchid Corsetry (UK) Zipper Underbust Corset


Wild Rose Atelier (Canada) scalloped edge, black and white contrast (with golden zipper) Overbust Corset


Scoundrelle's Keep Evangeline corset dress with front zip. All Scoundrelle's Keep corsets come with a zip closure option.
Scoundrelle’s Keep Evangeline corset dress with front zip. All Scoundrelle’s Keep corsets come with a zip closure option.


Sin & Satin in NYC makes beautiful ribbon cinchers with no side seam and the option for a front zip instead of a busk.
Sin & Satin in NYC makes beautiful ribbon cinchers with no side seam, and the option for a front zip instead of a busk.


A happy client snaps a selfie of her custom mesh underbust from Mitchell Dane (MDC Designs) with a front zip closure.
A happy client snaps a selfie of her custom mesh underbust from Mitchell Dane (MDC Designs, California USA) with a front zip closure.


Twilight Siren _UK) Zipper Underbust Corset embellished by the model / client, @talulah_blue


House of 1000 Corsets offers this sweet custom semi-mesh cincher with a front zip. Better photo to come soon!
House of 1000 Corsets offers this sweet custom semi-mesh cincher with a front zip.


Crimson Lily Atelier (Poland) Floral Zipper Underbust Corset


The Bad Button (Kentucky) super smooth, stealthable, beige spot broche midbust corset with a gold metal zipper.


An honorable mention goes to this corset with the biggest plastic zipper I've ever seen. I once saw this corset on Etsy and neglected to pick it up. If anyone remembers the name of the maker, let me know so they receive proper credit! (Hairbow by PureSin)
Jane’s Corsets made this overbust with pattern-matched Tatsu fabric and the biggest plastic zipper I’ve ever seen! Model: Miss Mischief, Photo: Shaun Vegas McCurry. Hairbow: PureSin.


Prior Attire made this Napoleonic style waistcoat corset with a zip closure, which is both concealed and reinforced by the lovely buttons.
Prior Attire made this Napoleonic style waistcoat corset with a zip closure, which is both concealed and reinforced by the lovely buttons. Photo: Pitcheresque Imagery.


Jem Corsets (UK) Zipper Overbust Corset, Modeled by Miss Pearl Curl, Photo by Photonese

~Zipper Corset Patterns~


Aranea Black Corsets Zipper Overbust Corset Pattern


Corsets by Caroline (UK) Zipper Corset Stays – while Caroline seldom sells her corset samples, you can learn to make your own corsets using her array of expertly drafted corset patterns!

~Honorable Mentions~

Contour Corset high reduction summer mesh waist training underbust (owned by Lucy).
Contour Corsets asymmetric, therapeutic summer mesh waist training underbust. Contour Corsets come with a metal zipper by default.


Immodesty Blaize models a burlesque outfit of pale blue and black lace, including a tightlacing overbust with zip closure, made by Sparklewren.
Immodesty Blaize models a burlesque outfit of pale blue and black lace, including a tightlacing overbust with zip closure, made by Sparklewren. Photo: Suzi Ovens & Catherine Day.



*Please note that I have not personally tried every corset brand in this list, nor do I necessarily endorse every company in my Guided Galleries. This is for informational purposes only. Please contact the individual corsetieres for more information about their zipped corsets. Tiddly links are Etsy affiliate links which help keep this site online and the galleries free for everyone.

1 thoughts on “Corsets with Zippers

  1. Simon says:

    I vaguely recall a “corset” garment made entirely of zippers in red zipper fabric & metal zippers. I suspect most were seen shut.

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