Corsets for Men

Fakir Musafar as “The Perfect Gentleman”, 1959. This photo has inspired many other gentlemen to consider waist training. Click through to learn more about Fakir.

Gentlemen wear corsets too, but sometimes it can be difficult to find makers who cater to cinching down the waist while maintaining a masculine physique. The following corsetiers and businesses in this gallery are experienced in making masculine corsets. (There are quite a lot of them actually, so I won’t be writing much in this post.)

All of the makers below either offer multiple styles of men’s corsets, or they can modify their standard corset patterns to fit masculine proportions. I would highly recommend choosing the custom-fit options (supporting small independent designers, in addition to obtaining a perfect fit) over the ready-to-wear options, but both are included for the sake of completion. Click on any of the photos to take you to the website/ social media of each maker to learn more.

*If you are considering a feminizing corset, I have a separate article for feminine corsets for cross-dressers or trans women.*


Men’s corsets by custom corsetieres
OTR / RTW men’s corsets
Honorable Mentions (archived)

Custom/ Made-to-Measure Men’s Corsets:

Jem Corsets Men’s Corset Vest (UK), Modeled by her husband
Innova Corsetry makes custom mens’ underbusts, Price starts at USD $350
"Adam" underbust training corset by Meschantes Corsetry, starts at $149
“Adam” underbust training corset by Meschantes Corsetry (North Carolina, USA), custom commissions are accepted
KMK Designs Mens Corset (Minnesota, USA), $565 USD
Riwaa Nerona Mens Corset
Histerya Designs (Mexico) Latex waistcoat Corset
Necromonger custom men’s corset by Puimond Progressive Corset Design (custom commissions are accepted)
Sewn by Andrew Mens Corset, Custom Commissions Accepted
Men’s steampunk underbust by House of Canney (Georgia, USA), starts at $285 USD
Dark Garden Mens Corsets (California / Louisiana, USA), Custom Commissions Available
The "Arnold" men's overbust corset by The Ardent Collection
The “Arnold” men’s overbust corset by The Ardent Collection
Valkyrie Corsets (UK) Demibust Corset, Custom Commissions available
Exquisite Restraint Corsets Modeled by gym_cosplay on Instagram, Custom Corsets start at $450 USD
Corsets & More (Germany) men’s overbust in mesh (custom commissions accepted)
Myslite Corsetry (France), Custom Commissions Accepted
Men’s corset vest by The Peartree Tailor (Kansas, USA) with adjustable back and shoulders, price starts at $255 USD.
Corset waistcoat with unique offset busk and fobchains, by Peau d’Âme Corsets (Switzerland), Bespoke Commissions Accepted
Bizarre Design (Netherlands) leather underbust designed for male proportions, starts at €484 (or $660 USD). Modeled by Egap Tesroc
House of Dario Princiotta (Italy), Fashion and Costume Designer
Contessa Gothique has created this super-sleek men's training underbust, fully boned and made with black satin coutil! Modelled by none other than the owner of Innova corsetry.
Contessa Gothique (Croatia) sleek men’s training underbust, made with black satin coutil. Modeled by the owner of Innova corsetry.
Bone and Busk couture (previously Totally Waisted, based in Toronto, Canada)
The “Jordan” men’s waistcoat corset by Cypress Corsetry (California, USA), $250 – $350 USD
Violet Snowstorm (Finland) Historical Inspired Mens Corset, Bespoke Corset Commissions accepted
"The Beast" Gentleman's long-torso corset by Orchid Corsetry, modelled by Tarquin
“The Beast” Gentleman’s long-torso corset by Orchid Corsetry (UK), modeled by Tarquin, Male underbust corsets start from £600
Jane’s Corsets Steamer Trunk Mens Corset, $594 USD
Saturnine Corsets (based in Brazil)
Unartig Boutique (Germany) Mens Corset. Modeled by Grave Artist, Custom Commissions Available
Electra Designs custom longline underbust corset adapted to male figure
Electra Designs (Texas, USA) custom longline underbust corset adapted to male figure
The "Ezra" men's corset by Scoundrelle's Keep, starts at $290
The “Ezra” men’s corset by Scoundrelle’s Keep (Minnesota, USA)
Ivy’s Custom Corsetry, Custom Commissions start at $300 USD (Modeled by her husband)
TO.mTO (Germany) “Andro” men’s underbust corset, starts at €350
Madame Sher (Brazil) men’s vest corset, $700
Count Vlad (Brazil) men’s underbust corset with unique front busk, R$ 500
Ferrer Corsets two-tone waistcoat corset available in Jacquard, Gabardine and wool (R$ 750)
Ferrer Corsets (Brazil) two-tone waistcoat corset available in Jacquard, Gabardine and wool (bespoke available)
Heavenly Corsets' Gentleman's 6" reduction underbust, with matching waistcoat in blue/gold silk brocade. Modelled by Tarquin
Heavenly Corsets (UK) Gentleman’s 6″ reduction underbust, with matching waistcoat in blue/gold silk brocade. Modeled by Tarquin (Bespoke available)
Mr. Pearl (France) modeling his own corset, adapted to male proportions (unfortunately no website available)
Gabriel Moginot modelling his own corset, from Maison Moginot (starts at €580)
Gabriel Moginot (France) modeling his own corset, from Maison Moginot (his corsets start at €550)


Other makers of men’s corsets (awaiting photos):

OTR/ Ready-to-Wear Men’s Corsets:

Dracula Clothing Mens Corset, €77
The MCC90 Masculine corset by Mystic City corsets (Texas, USA), $120 USD.
Orchard Corset (Washington, USA) CS-701 men’s corset, Price starts at $80 USD.
Artifice Clothing (Canada) men’s PVC underbust corset, starts at $105 CAD
Pure One Corset Works (Japan) Men’s Overbust Corset
Men’s Corset by Corset Steel Home (Nigeria), ₦ 38,000 or about $92 USD.
Corset-Deal Edlef men’s steampunk corset, from $125 USD


~Honorable Mentions~

Axfords makes corsets for men, including this C515 for £135.00
Axfords (UK) style C515 Men’s Corset, £135.00 GBP (Unfortunately Axfords is now defunct)
Timeless Trends Corsets for men, available via Lucy's Corsetry
Timeless Trends/ Black Iris Gentleman’s Pinstripe underbust corset (this product has been discontinued)
Contour Corsets male underbust with characteristic reinforced zipper closure
Contour Corsets male underbust with characteristic reinforced zipper closure (unfortunately Contour Corsets is now defunct)
Tyler’s Chalk custom silk underbust corsets for men start at $200 USD (unfortunately Tyler’s Chalk is on indefinite hiatus)
Romantasy Men’s Corset/ Stays, which include underbusts, cummerbund stays and CorVests. (Unfortunately Romantasy is now defunct)
Sweet Carousel Corsetry Modeled by Beau Creep on Instagram (unfortunately they seem to be on indefinite hiatus)

C&S Constructions (Now defunct)

Eikhell Corsets (Now defunct)

*Please note that I have not personally tried every corset brand in this list, nor do I necessarily endorse every company in these guided galleries. This is for informational purposes only; please email any of the above makers to learn more about their men’s corsets. Etsy affiliate links help the galleries remain free for everyone.

57 thoughts on “Corsets for Men

  1. Jacinto says:


    I am 42 years old and I have a back injury. I wear a brace from time to time to relieve the pain. I also work on my computer a lot, and sometimes keeping a posture properly is hard.

    I would like to know if you make corcets that look like vest such as Madame Sher men’s vest corset. I always used vest since I was very young, so I would like to have a few corsets / vest made for daily use and to dress up when the occasion calls.


    • Lucy says:

      Hello Jacinto, I don’t personally make corsets like Madame Sher’s men’s corset – if you love that style, I recommend contacting her directly. If you click the picture, it should redirect you to her website where you can learn more and email her for a commission. Best wishes.

    • Lucy says:

      Hello Joann, yes certainly a man can wear a women’s overbust corset – but if the corset is designed for a full bust and he doesn’t have the breasts to fill it out properly, it may have to be padded, otherwise the corset would flare away from the body and not fit flush.

  2. Daniel Little Mouse says:

    Yes I’m a disabled Veteran and I was wondering if Medicaid would pay for a corset to slim down my waist?

    • Lucy says:

      Hi Daniel, medical insurance would most likely not pay for a regular OTR corset as they’re sold as normal garments as opposed to being marketed specifically as a medical brace. You would likely need to go to a corset maker that is experienced in making custom fit medical corsets, and also experienced in fitting men. Dark Garden in San Francisco is a good place to start. You may need to speak to a Medicaid representative though because I’m not sure how the system works.

  3. Nathan says:

    Is there an age limit to corseting? im 14 years old and i want to train my waist to a smaller size? is there any corsets for my size?

    thanks, Nathan

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Nathan, while there is no legal limit per se on corseting, many do consider it a body modification and therefore follow the same guidelines as piercing or tattoo parlors – they won’t work with anyone under the age of 18 years, or maybe 16 years if they have permission from their parents/ guardians. I have an article on age limits to corseting here. But there are corsets made for all sizes, because some people are very slim or petite even if they are fully grown.

  4. Chris says:

    I was originally drawn to corsets because I found them to have an attractive effect on women. As irony would have it from learning about them from your site I am wondering if I should try one myself. I am overweight at 5’9, 210 lbs but to make it worse most all of my excess weight in carried in my stomach and almost nowhere else (thank you genetics). I measure 44″ around my belly button and that has resulted in putting a lot of strain on my back. I also have a tendency to sleep actively and on occasion wake up in a back bend that is painful to curl back out of. I exercise in the evening when I can to attempt to lose weight but between having a lethargic job behind a desk and difficulty with portion control, losing weight is a constant struggle. From what I have learned on here, wearing a corset in the evening during dinner and then at night may partially aid in portion control as well as my back issues. I greatly appreciate the information you freely give, it has given me something to think about and consider.

    Warm Regards,

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Thanks Chris! Yes, corsets help with portion control and satiety for many people – some people compare it to an “external gastric band”, except without the risk of surgical complications. Of course, one must have the discipline to keep it on! But you may find that a well-fitting corset is surprisingly comfortable, especially when helping support your back.

      • John says:

        Hi Lucy – I recently bought a corset because I’m trying to slim down my mid-section. I’ve been dieting and exercising but that has been a slow process so I thought I would try something else. I’ve always like the way corsets looked on women and I thought there should been something for men too but I never found any. I bought the ladies corset and turned it upside down and during the seasoning process I found I that I didn’t want to take it off. Due to my schedule I’m not able to wear it as often as I like and any chance I get on it goes. Once I’m done with the fully seasoning I hope to be actually waist training rather than just occasionally wearing it as I first had planned. In the end I’ve found corset wearing very addicting and very shortly I’ll be buying a another in a smaller size.

    • Julie Wilson says:

      Greetings, my bro-in-law is/was obese & has lost a lot of weight. He has a list of access skin. Dr.s has recommended to cut skin off, however, he has a heart condition. So I am trying to find alternatives for him. He is still a large man, but I feel in what I. Am reading it can help him w his posture & hopefully melt away the access skin? Look forward to your reply.

      • Lucy says:

        Hi Julie, depending on how much weight was lost and how much loose skin there is, it might not be possible for the skin to retract completely. There are plenty of women and men who are unable to afford abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or, like in the case of your brother in law, can’t go through with it for health reasons, and they use a corset or compression wear just to make their day-to-day life more comfortable. It doesn’t mean that the skin will magically melt away, but it can prevent the constant swinging and chafing of loose skin on a daily basis.
        However, wearing a tight corset can raise blood pressure in some people so I would recommend he gets clearance from a doctor before trying compression clothing for his skin.

  5. Cat says:

    Hi there,

    I was wondering if you could tell me which, if any, of these male corsets are suitable for men’s waist training. I am interested in starting waist training along with a male friend. Also is there a limit on how big you can be before you start?


    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Cat, I know for sure that Contour Corsets, Puimond, Bizarre Design, Orchid Corsetry, Electra Designs and Corsets & More all make men’s corsets strong enough for waist training. :) Since those are custom made, then as long as the corsetiere is comfortable with making plus-size corsets there is no limit to size. I know of some makers who have made corsets with up to a 60-inch closed waist!

  6. Leanne says:

    Hi there,

    I recently started corsetry and was curious about the male corset. Do they need to be created differently than a woman’s corset for safety reasons? What is the difference between a male and female corset?

    Hope I’m not being cheeky by asking, I am just so curious!

    Kind Regards,


    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Leanne, there are some typical differences in the skeletal structure – usually, a female’s hips are larger or wider due to having more estrogen in the body, while the ribcage remains smaller. In a male’s skeleton, the hips remain narrow (as they were before puberty) but their shoulders and ribcage become more broad with the increase of testosterone. It’s been said that women’s skeletons are also slightly more malleable and training the lower ribs is easier – so most men’s corsets accommodate the broad ribcage and relatively few of them actually taper down in a dramatic conical fashion. The waist of a male is also slightly lower than the female waist usually – I usually describe the female waist as being about an inch above the navel, while for many men, it’s right at navel level. Of course there are exceptions to all these rules, but these are the typical observations.

  7. Brandy says:

    I’m having a problem finding the price or a “contact us” area for the J.C. Creations Army Camo. do you know how to get in contact with them? or the price of this corset? I can’t even find the corset in their website except in a gallery, with no model #. In the mens ready to wear corsets, none of them have the same look :( Thank you for taking the time to make this list for everyone :)

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