LucyBot Corset Sizing Calculators
(Scroll down for the list of all LucyBots)
IMPORTANT: size suggestions are NOT transferrable to other brands or silhouettes. You will likely get a different size recommendation depending on the LucyBot.
What are LucyBots?

Revised in 2024! LucyBots are digital elves (i.e. glorified calculators) that have been programmed to (mostly) faithfully replicate the real Lucy’s tried-and-true method of sizing clients for TT, GC, and Artemis corsets in the shop section.
Instead of having to wait 1-2 business days to get a response from the OG Lucy (“meat Lucy”), the LucyBots will provide an instantaneous size recommendation specifically for the corset you’re interested in. They will also give you options to choose a wider or more narrow lacing gap, as well as predict the shape of your lacing gap and what this might mean for fit and comfort.
Where there is a drastic body/corset silhouette mismatch, LucyBots will even recommend a different corset style for you!
Please note that LucyBots are exclusively for the corsets found in the shop. If you’d like to know which corsets would fit your measurements regardless of brand, the Corset Database is always there for you!
Also important: These calculators don’t save your information – there’s not even any space to submit your name or contact info, so your data is protected. (That said, if you don’t trust their recommendation or if the program is down, you are of course welcome to go through the original measuring service for a personal recommendation.)
How to use the LucyBots – official tutorial:
Links to all LucyBots:
(List view)
- Hourglass Standard Length Underbust Corset LucyBot
(for these hourglass corsets) - Hourglass Cincher LucyBot
(for these cinchers) - Hourglass Longline with hip ties LucyBot
(for these longline corsets) - Gemini Standard Length Corset LucyBot
(for the original Gemini corsets) - Gemini Longline Corset LucyBot
(for the Gem Long corsets) - Libra Corset LucyBot
(for the Libra corsets) - Hourglass Overbust Corset LucyBot
(for the hourglass silhouette overbusts) - Slim Overbust Corset LucyBot
(for the slim silhouette overbusts) - Artemis Corset LucyBot
(for the TC Artemis underbust corsets) - Lara Corset LucyBot
(for the GC Lara underbust corsets) - Jolie Longline Corset LucyBot
(for the GC Jolie longline corsets) - Jolie Waspie LucyBot
(for the GC Jolie waspies) - Dita Corset LucyBot
(for the GC Dita corsets) - Slim Silhouette Underbust Corset LucyBot
(for these slim standard length corsets) - Slim Silhouette Longline Corset LucyBot
(for the slim longline corsets with hip ties)