Corset Descendants: Modern Garments Quiz

The humble corset has been declared “archaic” and “obsolete”, and has since been replaced with roughly a dozen other separate, modern garments. How many of these descendants of the corset can you recognize? Test yourself in this extended family reunion of corset-adjacent garments!

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Corset-Adjacent Garments Quiz

The humble corset has been declared "archaic" and "obsolete", and has since been replaced with roughly a dozen other separate, modern garments. How many of these descendants of the corset can you recognize? Test yourself in this extended family reunion of corset-adjacent garments!

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1. What does this harness NOT do?

Photo courtesy of ComfyBrace via Amazon.

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2. This item claims to provide lower back and hip support, reduce sciatica pain, help stabilize a broken or bruised tailbone, and stop the pelvic bones from slipping out of place. What is it called?

Photo courtesy of BraceAbility via Amazon.

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3. Ken's pink sash in his ensemble replaces a waistcoat in a 3-part tuxedo - but more interestingly, it hails back to a protective and practical garment worn by military, sportsmen, and ushers alike.

Photo courtesy of Barbie via Amazon.

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4. Orthopedic braces are utilized to correct (or at least stabilize) which conditions?

The Sforzesco brace for scoliosis

Photo: Sforzesco brace for a patient creates an hourglass silhouette similar to that of a corset. Click here to read more about this brace.

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5. This garment, now commonly worn by motorcyclists, replaced what the corset did for cavalry (soldiers on horseback) in past centuries. It protects the organs against injury from hours of road vibrations, and shields the spine from damage if the rider is thrown. What is it called?

Photo courtesy of Back-A-Line via Amazon.

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6. This latex garment claims to narrow the waistline through a combination of compression, increasing body heat/metabolism, and detoxifying the body. It's sometimes called a "cincher" or "trainer", to the confusion of the corset community. What is another common name for this?

Photo courtesy of Yianna via Amazon.

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7. This garment replaced an overbust corset's function of lifting and supporting a heavy bustline.

Photo courtesy of Enell via Amazon.

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8. This post-operative compression binder is an example of what can be prescribed by physicians after a patient has abdominal surgery - whether that's bariatric surgery, liposuction, gall bladder removal, endometrial excision, hernia correction, or some other type of surgery. What is the primary function of this garment?

Photo courtesy of NYOrtho via Amazon.

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9. This item provides back and abdominal support, encourages good form, enhances performance, and prevents hernias.

Photo courtesy of ProFitness via Amazon.

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10. If you have a hole in your abdominal muscles, this garment places pressure on the belly, deliberately increasing intra-abdominal pressure so that your intestines don't spill out. What is this called?

Photo courtesy of Everyday Medical via Amazon.

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11. This fashionable top, worn as lingerie or clubwear, supports the bust without straps and contains (lightweight) bones, but it does not cinch the waist or have a lacing system. What would this be called?

Photo courtesy of Modegal via Amazon.

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12. Gentle post-partum belly binding has been practiced independently by different civilizations all over the world. In India, banantana (the 40 days after delivery) the belly is bound with a sash. In parts of Asia, this period is closer to 100 days. The belly cloth or binder goes by many different names - sarashi in Japan, faja in South America, and Bengkung in Malaysia (seen above). What are functions of this binder?

Photo courtesy of Herb and Gem via Etsy.

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