Photo [Right]: Juno Lucina is one of the writers for Solaced – you’ll read her story of her personal transformation, The Art of Aging, in the Mature Corseting chapter.
As we take the next few weeks to put the finishing touches on the Solaced Corset Anthology, I’d like to make sure that we’re on the right track. Since the corset community has made this book possible in the first place (first by helping to build the list of corset benefits on this page, and then by submitting more in-depth experience for the book), it’s only fair that you, the community, also have a say in what stories end up in the final book.
I was initially worried about not having enough stories for the book, but after over 150 prospective writers (about 120 of whom submitted stories) as it turns out, I have too many stories now, and my editor has told me to cull. I’m very bad at this and need your help.
This book will have more of a focus on the therapeutic (physical and emotional) benefits of corsets, and there may be an opportunity to make another volume focused around the corset community and industry in general, as well as other “softer” stories (so whatever stories will be cut from this book, will likely make it into the next one!). Below you’ll find the list of topics/ chapters: you get a say in which topics interest you most, and which ones you would probably skip.
You can also let me know in your comment whether you prefer Kindle, Paperback, Audio, or another book format! Kindle will be the first to be released, but I will almost definitely bring the book to print a bit later on. Other formats I will consider if the demand is high enough.
Thanks so much for your feedback!
Solaced: 99 Uplifting Narratives about Corsets, Well-Being, and Hope
Chapter list (NOTE: This has been edited to reflect the final version of the book)

- Back Injuries – structural support after physical trauma
- Spinal Curve – support or correction of scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis
- Breast support – including treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome
- Weight Loss & Lifestyle – using the corset as a kickstarter or external lap-band
- Hypermobility & EDS – preventing subluxation
- Disability – seven stories of how corsets help with various physiological disorders
- Fibromyalgia – promoting muscle relaxation and drug-free pain relief
- Gastrointestinal Disorders – helping with the symptoms of IBS, chronic constipation, and ulcerative colitis
- Dysmenorrhea & Endometriosis – using compression to reduce period cramping
- Post-Surgical Abdominal Weakness – support of the abdominal muscles following surgery
- Armor – the corset’s protective role during car accidents or against violent aggressors
- Body Positive – recovery from eating disorders and body dysmorphia
- Post Partum – treatment of diastasis recti, symphysis pubic dysfunction, and post partum depression
- Gender Identity – overcoming gender/body dysphoria, assisting in expression
- Anxiety & Depression – using deep pressure therapy to improve mental well-being
- Autism Spectrum – using deep pressure therapy for those with ASD
- PTSD & Coping with Adversity – pressure therapy following traumatic or difficult events
- Mature Corseting – wearing corsets from middle age and onward, commentary on aging
- Corsets & Metaphysics – essays on Reiki and the chakras
- Newspaper Clippings – a small collection of Victorian newspaper articles on corsets saving the lives of wearers
- Potpourri – stories that don’t quite fit in with the others
Which topics do you look forward to reading the most? Leave a comment below!
I loved your videos and really need your help. Corsets help me with many of my ailments which I will explain at the end of this comment. I found Lucy on Youtube several years ago and used her videos to help me through making my first custom corset after purchasing a ready made corset at a convention. It was ok at first, but it just didn’t fit quite right and it pinched and didn’t give my hip bones or ribs enough room, not to mention it was about 2″too short. I have unique measurements like most women.33″-24″-36″ with about 14″ from my under bust to my pubic bone which puts the curves of most ready made corsets in all the wrong places. That is why I made one myself, which was great for a while, but I used a heavy duty zipper (BAD IDEA!) which broke. It helped me so much on days when my back went out. I could walk around and lean over to wash my face or whatever. Now my entire lumbar has degenerated and I am only 37 years old. I Purchased a lot of 4 camp corsets, 1 in excellent condition, 1 slightly frayed and missing bones and 2 that are only good for salvage parts, unfortunately they were missing many bones. The camp corsets looked like they would work well to keep my lumbosacral region in place and they may have if they were a better fit. I would like to recreate one in my size and hope to do so since every brace the doctor has ordered has failed me. I love to sew, but now if I try it exacerbates my conditions, causes pain and flares so it will take me months just to make one. I have tried several, sacro belts, lumbosacral braces, lumbar braces over the years, but they never work. If they don’t hurt or keep me from sitting comfortably, they slip so much that they don’t give me any support whatsoever. These modern medical braces are supposedly “top of the line”, but they just don’t stay in place on a woman’s curves. Because of my extensive research in corsets and their history I have many ideas on how to combine modern methods with antique methods in order to help others like myself be able to walk on “bad days.”
I suffer from Interstitial Cystitis,aka Painful Bladder Syndrome which can make my belly swell several inches in minutes and is very painful. It also makes me feel the need to urinate very often even when I don’t have to go. I find compression helps to alleviate the pain. Plus I don’t have to explain my fat belly to people because a corset hides it. However being able to use the restroom more easily would be nice, that’s not always easy in fuller length corsets. This condition is like having a bladder infection all the time, only it’s actually small lesions and tears due to a weak bladder wall lining that are irritated by a wide variety of foods, liquids, smells, stress, etc. Along with that I have listed all my other conditions below:
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Degenerative Disc Disorder-Entire spine
Cervical Disc Disease
Raynaud’s Syndrome (Primary)
Depression & Generalized Anxiety
Undiagnosed autoimmune disorder? Multiple Sclerosis has been suggested multiple times, but no brain lesions yet.
SI Joint Dysfunction/Instability (Ligament Laxity)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea on CPAP
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Migraines & Cervicogenic headaches
Chronic low back pain w.radiculopathies down both my legs
(Since 2002- I have had disc herniations 8 times already. Most of them were lumbar including an extruded disc, one cervical and one thoracic and several “complex” bone spurs that sometimes irritate exiting nerve roots. Also, mod to severe lumbar stenosis according to multiple imaging reports) Oh and if that’s not enough, I am not a candidate for any kind of corrective surgery. The surgeon actually told me that if he were to operate I would end up worse, so that’s not happening. I am on constant pain meds just to function at a subhuman level and if I move the wrong way I can barely walk for a couple of days. If I exercise I end up recovering for several days sometimes unable to leave the bed or couch. However, wearing a corset, especially a longer line corset to keep my pelvis in place I can function better longer. Not long enough to keep a job to the number of painful conditions I have, but none the less, I will take what I can get. If I have to go to a family function where I will have to stand a corset is a tremendous help, say at a wedding, especially with a long ceremony and a lot of ups and downs. Corsets are to me what a walker or a cane are to other people. That may be a strange comparison, but it’s true for me. If you are interested in helping me find a corset or my ideas for medical corsets, I would love to share them with you.
Sorry for the lengthy post. Have a good one. Thank you.
I failed to say how wonderful a thing it is you are sharing all these fascinating facts with the world. I really hope the medical community takes these into consideration. They have kept me going longer than expected. I would prefer a hard copy book if possible. It would make a great coffee table book.
Gosh, honestly all of them have good information that I think are important. For this book. So my suggestion is to call your book Volume I!!!!!!! Hint, hint. LOL. Maybe the ones you have to cull could go into a follow up volume. I would definitely buy both no matter what. I am very interested to read the stories about the anxiety and autism spectrum stuff. I was diagnosed ADHD when I was younger and I have always noticed my anxiety panic attacks are less frequent when I am or have worn a corset.
Hi Lucy! I’m very interested in all of the topics/chapters. There are so many things that corsets have helped people with that never would have crossed my mind. As a huge supporter of alternative treatments, I would love to read every story!
Book formats… Kindle is a great choice, easy to access and always handy. I would really enjoy a full color hardback for my collection but I’ll happily take whatever you release.
Thank you for doing this! I’m very excited to read it when it’s ready.
Anxiety & Depression, Autism Spectrum, PTSD & Coping with Adversity, Mature Corseting are all topics of great interest. I’m interested in personal accounts as well as the physiological processes behind the concepts.
As for forms of the book, I will be purchasing the kindle and a print copy. It would be lovely if the print copy were hardbound with color photos.
I’m excited about and interested in all the chapters of this book, but I am mostly interested in chapters:
#2: Spinal Curve – support or correction of scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis
#16: Anxiety & Depression – using deep pressure therapy to improve mental well-being
#5: Weight Loss & Lifestyle – using the corset as a kickstarter or external lap-band
#14: Migraines – reducing headaches and migraine disorders from posture correction
Thank you for giving the corset community an opportunity to provide feedback.
Thank you for your feedback, Reina!
Hi Lucy, I am very interested I mature corseting. I’m 61 yrs young and love corsets. I’m also an RN, so everything else is very relevant to me. I prefer the book form,but will take whichever format you decide on. Thanks for all your info throughout these years, and for sharing your experiences!
Thank you Janice!
I am very interested in mature corseting. And overbust corsets designed for the softer flesh upstairs that comes with maturity. I am in my mid fifties.