After nearly a week of spending every waking (and non-school) hour reading over 1000 entries for the giveaway, here is the shortlist (top 50) from which the winners for the Retrofolie corsets will be chosen (after the photo). The winners will be randomly chosen from this group of 50 tomorrow (Sunday) and announced on Youtube!
There were many tears in the process of choosing this shortlist, because there were hundreds that truly need and deserve to win. While there was no particular science to who got chosen, here are a few points:
- both people who have previously owned corsets and who haven’t owned a real corset were chosen
- if the contestant did own a corset previously, the people who wore their corset often were chosen over those who said that they owned 10 corsets but rarely wore any of them
- on average, those that were chosen had a tendency to write a little more (at least a few sentences) than those who wrote very brief, 1-sentence entries or sentence fragments. It allowed me to “get to know” the person better and more fully understand their circumstances. Their first language didn’t play a factor; there are many on this list whose first language isn’t English
- race, gender, and country of residence were irrelevant (this contest was open worldwide)
- those who have been subscribed to my channel longer had a better chance of being chosen compared to those who only subscribed for the contest
- those who struggled financially were more likely to be chosen over those who mentioned that they were more affluent

The Top 50 Entrants:
Abby F
Alicia McD
Amanda Hv
Andrea M.
Angela O.
Annie S
Ash N
Cassie D
Catalina S
Deathless Cat
Devon M
Dorothy G
Elissa H
Gabii W
Gabrielle M.
Imogen M
James M
Jesse S
Juno L
Kari S
Kat McC
Krista B
Kuroe J
Lorraine B
Marha C
Marisa S
Marjo K
Melisa R
Natacha L
Pixie Hunt
Renee P
Stephanie E
Suny P
Tara C
Thao P
these trails
Vega C.
Vern H
Verum Terror
Wendy M.
Zak K
Zarian V
Update: the winners have been chosen! Congratulations to those who won – the draw can be viewed in the video below:
Hey there Lucy, you okay? I hope that you’re not sad in a corner because of the complaints, but just busy with school and cool things in life! I can’t believe the complainers either, with the whole ‘meeeh, I entered and HOW COME I SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE UNICORN DID NOT WIN MEEEP WHINE ENTITLED MEEP’. Please remember that most people who are normal, kind and well-adjusted DON’T expect to win with things like this, and thus do not complain when they don’t make the list. Sure you’ll hear some people meep and whine, but those are the giveaway hunters and people who don’t understand that life doesn’t automatically owe them a bloody corset when they happen to grace a giveaway with their unique presence. *rolls eyes* So the deafening silence of normal and kind replies is just us, normal people thinking that you, Internet Celebrity Superstar, are not waiting for “we like you yay!” comments all the time. Because of how we expect others to behave, aka, also tell you that you are a cool biscuit.
I think this giveaway was amazing and especially because you made a preselection of potentional winners. I’d have not liked it as much if just any old giveaway hunter would have had the same amount of chance on a corset that someone that is in pain (physical or mental) and that could have an improvement of life with your corset. Which is why I generally don’t partake in giveaways. The people participated for I told I tried to win a corset for her, and she thought your giveaway extremely generous and amazing and cool and awesome. This must have cost you so much work and hard cash. So, yay from my group of friends to you, And poop to the complainers. I’m so mad you feel disappointed about such an amazing gesture. >:( Hug! And also to Retrofoliefairygodmother!!
Hi Marjo, thanks for checking up – I needed a break from the internet for awhile, and I also got buried in school (just finished the first quarter). I know that some people will still complain no matter what, but I’m not going to let it affect me – in fact, another corsetiere has generously offered to make some more corsets for the next giveaway! It’s amazing to see the whole community giving back to one another. :)
Unfortunately, I just came across this competition now when I was rewatching some of your YouTube videos, Lucy (thank you for being prepared to mention the unmentionable, lol!)
I just got out of hospital early this week after having surgery on the 3rd to repair my abdominal muscles, as I developed diastasis recti and an umbilical hernia during my last pregnancy. I was given a “corset” to wear day and night for six weeks post-surgical, but as it strikes me as a fairly I ineffective garment (elastic and velcro), my surgeon gave me permission to wear a real corset. Hopefully it will make for better results in addition to being more comfortable (the elastic was causing a skin reaction, apart from anything else).
Anyway, hopefully I’ll catch the next competition you have, as unfortunately, living on a disability pension means that a bespoke corset isn’t on the cards anytime soon. My dream is a bespoke overbust, as OTR overbust corsets don’t seem to work for my body type.
Sorry: what was going to be a brief comment appears to have turned into an essay!
*Please excuse autocorrect’s attempts at making me look slightly illiterate!
Omg, I fell in the shower sat morning, so I’m just getting up and around. I cannot believe that not only had you chosen my story for your book, but then to find I’m on the short list, THEN to find I’m a winner……I don’t even have words. I really don’t know what to say other than thank you, and after my story you know the difference this could make in my life. I just can’t believe it. Thank you so much. I’m crying.
I’m devastated that I didn’t make it to the short list even tho I fell in EVERY category that she used to pick the short list ? but congrats to the winners
I said to someone else: If you weren’t chosen, it doesn’t mean that your entry wasn’t good, or that you weren’t deserving, or that I like you less. There were over 1000 people who entered this contest, including a couple of hundred people who wrote lengthy (over 2000 word) essays and emails explaining how much a corset would mean to them and the depth of their struggles. There were a lot of people who really, really, desperately needed this chance, because they were physically in pain or they were financially struggling, and they were more likely to wear the corset daily or near daily due to their needs – as you may have been as well, but when so many people enter it becomes easy for some entries to get buried. It was extremely difficult to choose the finalists but I have limited funds and only a few people could win. I didn’t want to run a contest randomly, because there are “giveaway hunters” on Youtube who only subscribe during the duration of a contest and leave when it ends, and I wanted to give deserving people a chance. I’m considering never running a giveaway again, because so many people have complained. This was supposed to be a way to thank everyone and give back, not make my followers pissed off.
Lucy please don’t stop hosting events like this. The reason people complain or whatever is because subconsciously they will still think ‘they weren’t good enough’ even if you say that isn’t the reason they weren’t on the short list. People have a hard time wrapping their head around how small a chance 50/1000 really is. After all it’s a 5% chance. Heck even I’m a little bit sad but I understood already when I posted that the chances of even making it on the list were small.
There are always going to be jealous and stingy people, that’s what happens if you get so big that you have this many followers ;) you deal with humans and humans have many many flaws :P including jealousy, temper and foul language. Don’t take it to heart, it doesn’t say anything about you, more about those people. Besides it tends to look like you pissed more people off because the people that aren’t sad/pissed are less likely to post a reply on a video :P
Thank you for your kind words. I wish more happy (or non-pissed) people commented more often on my videos. ;) It would make Youtube (and the world in general) a much brighter place if people took a second out of their day to say something kind, as you have just now.
I totaly agree with Philipsengirl. I too see the increase both on the internet and off people who are complaining about everything(and most of the time just because they can). It is so easy to do that on the internet to say everything that pops up in your mind, people will think twice what to say if they were face to face. And indeed, people that aren’t sad/pissed are less likely to reply ;]
What you did is so incredibly kind, giving away 3 corsets.. that is a lot of money you are willing to give away to strangers. I think that is amazing! Keep your head up and know that there are people grateful for (only) be given the chance to win a corset =]
Thank you so much <3
I made it to the shortlist! Thank you so much for the opportunity, Lucy! *really excited about this*
Gutted I’m not on the shortlist, but also relieved cause I don’t think I could have slept with excitement if I was… Enjoy picking the winners Lucy!