This post is a summary of the “‘Burleska Steel Boned Longline Corset Review” video, which you can watch on Youtube:

Fit, length Center front is 13 inches long, the side seam is 9.5 inches long. (Your torso should be about 10.5 inches long from underbust to lap). Center back is 12.5 inches long. Circumferential measurements: waist is size 24 (24 inches), the underbust is 30 inches (6 inch rib spring), and the low hip is about 35-36 inches (11-12 inch hip spring at the lap level).
Material Two main layers: fashion fabric is brown polyester king brocade, and lining is black cotton twill.
Construction 6 panel pattern, constructed using the sandwich method. The panels are stitched with a lock-stitch, and the corset is double-boned on the seams (bones sandwiched between the layers).
Binding Bias strips of matching poly brocade. Top-stitched on both outside (tiny topstitch) and inside (overlock finish, not folded under). Includes 6 garter tabs at the bottom.
Waist tape 1/2″ wide tape in between the layers, stitched from the 2nd panel to the 5th panel.
Modesty panel Modesty panel is nearly 7″ wide and finished in matching brown brocade. Unstiffened and stitched to the corset on one side (easily removable). No modesty placket in the front by the busk.
Busk 11 inches long with 5 loops and pins, equidistantly spaced. Standard flexible busk (1/2″ wide) and supported by two more flat steels on each side.
Boning 26 total bones not including busk (13 on each side). 1/4″ wide spirals, double boned on the seams. Two 1/4″ wide flats sandwich the grommets on each side.
Grommets 26 grommets total, size #0 (or possibly size 1 – it’s a big internal diameter) with a small flange and finished in dark silver. Set equidistantly, a little more than 1 inch apart. Holding in fairly well (the washers on the underside are wider than the top part of the grommets).
Laces Brown braided round cord. Slightly springy, and shreds when it catches on the split grommets, but difficult to snap. The cord felt a bit “waxy” to the touch but it held the bow just fine when I laced up my corset.
Price This corset is £65 on Burleska’s website.


Victorian double steel boned underbust corset in brown king brocade, as it's displayed on Burleska's site. Click through for more info.
Victorian double steel boned underbust corset in brown king brocade, as it’s displayed on Burleska’s site. Click through for more info.

This is the third corset I’ve reviewed from Burleska, and I can tell that their quality is slowly improving over time – this corset is indeed steel boned, made with higher quality materials, and is made from a curvier and more comfortable pattern compared to the two fashion corsets I had reviewed from the same company in previous years (2012 and 2014).

This particular corset style (longline, moderate hourglass) is very popular nowadays; the pattern is reminiscent to the Josephine by Isabella Corsetry (made in California) and the CS-426 from Orchard Corset (made in Pakistan), as well as several other corset brands. It’s interesting to see how each company puts their own unique spin on the same or similar corset patterns; for instance the king brocade fashion fabric options in Burleska’s case, a slightly shorter busk, different grommets, and a very slightly different construction method. I believe Burleska corsets are made in Nepal, if I’m not mistaken, so all three corsets have different manufacturers.