This entry is a summary of the review video “Orchard Corset CS-550 Overbust Review”. If you want visual close-ups, you can watch the video on YouTube here:

Fit, length Center front is 15″, the longest part from peak of the bust to lap is just under 16″. The center back is 12.5″, so the lengthwise measurements are nearly identical to Orchard’s CS-511 overbust. It has a gentle sweetheart neckline, but it’s cut over the hip (by contrast, their CS-511 is slightly longline). It’s a modern-slim silhouette. I’m wearing a size 24″, the bust is 34″ (10 inches bigger than the waist), and the hips are about 32″ (8 inches bigger than the waist).
Material 3 main layers – the outer fashion fabric is black satin, a sturdy cotton twill interlining, and the lining is also black cotton twill.
Construction 6-panel pattern (12 panels total). Constructed with the sandwich technique (fashion fabric flatlined to interlining and treated as one layer) and the bones are sandwiched between the two cotton layers. It’s double boned on the seams.
Binding Made from black satin bias strips, machine stitched on both sides. There are also 6 garter tabs, 3 on each side.
Waist tape One-inch-wide waist tape running through the corset, hidden between the layers. Starts between panels 1-2, and ends by the back grommets.
Modesty panel Modesty panel on the back is unstiffened and 6 inches wide, made of a layer of matching black satin and a layer of twill. Panel  and attached to one side with a line of stitching (easily removable if desired). There is also a placket by the busk.
Busk Busk is 1/2″ wide on each side and 14” long, with 6 pins (the bottom two pins are slightly closer together). It is fairly sturdy; less bendy than some other 1/2″ busks I’ve tried.
Boning 22 bones total (11 on each side). On each side, 9 of them are spirals about ¼” wide (double boned on the seams, except for between panels 5-6) and then there are two flat steel bones, both 3/8” wide sandwiching the grommets.
Grommets There are 24 grommets (12 on each side), all size #00 grommets, with a small flange, finished in silver and spaced equidistantly. On the underside there are some splits which do catch on the laces a bit when lacing up.
Laces The laces are ¼” wide flat nylon shoelace style. I find them to be long enough and quite strong, but also rather springy. However, Orchard has some higher quality laces (in several colours) available on their website – I very much prefer their ribbon laces to the standard shoelace style laces, however the shoelace style laces would catch and shred less on the splits in the grommets compared to the ribbons.
Price Currently $79 USD on Orchard Corset’s website.


CS-530 overbust in limited edition green satin, and silver-on-black brocade. Click through for Orchard Corset's buyer guide.
CS-530 overbust in limited edition green satin, and silver-on-black brocade. Click through for Orchard Corset’s buyer guide. Models: Caylin (L) and Cheri (R)

This corset scored fairly well on the Bust Test, as the bustline came up high enough on my chest to hold me in during certain activities like shrugging and putting my arms up. One thing I would prefer is if the pattern around the bust would round and come inward up and over the breast, the way their CS-511 corset did when I reviewed that piece. However, this CS-530 overbust comes up rather straight on the bustline, and pushes everything upward. Aesthetically I like a more rounded, less ‘squished’ bustline, which is more consistent to the way molded bra cups look today, and also makes me feel safer that I’m not going to “booble out” of the corset when leaning over.

The picture above leads to the buyer’s guide on Orchard’s website, where they say the CS-530 is better suited for larger cup sizes. I wear anywhere between DDD to H cup depending on the brand, but I personally prefer the shape of the CS-511 overbust – but take this info with a grain of salt.

It’s a common trend for Orchard Corset to have the “bunny ears” set high on the waistline. My natural waist is always 1-2 sets of grommets lower than the bunny ears, which means when I pull on the loops, it compresses my lower ribcage as opposed to my actual waistline – if this is the case for you, there is no shame at all in unlacing and relacing the corset with the bunny ears a bit lower – you may find it more comfortable, more flattering and easier to use!

Orchard Corset has graciously provided my viewers and readers with a coupon code – enter CORSETLUCY to receive a 10% discount on your purchase. See the CS-530 overbust here.