This entry is a summary of the review video “JC Creations Men’s Corset Review” which you can watch on YouTube here:

Fit, length This corset has a bit more of a masculine shape, but still has a fairly cinched in waist. the underbust is 33″, waist 27″, hips 34″. Center front length is about 11 inches, side seam is 9 inches and back is 12 inches long.
Material 2 main layers: outer layer is a black spot broche (comparable to coutil in strength, but also nice as a fashion fabric), and a lightweight plain black cotton lining.
Construction 5 panel pattern, with seams (and bones) converging in the bottom center front. Panels are assembled using a lock stitch. Double boned in internal boning channels.
Binding Black satin bias tape, machine stitched on the outside and inside (top-stitched on both sides). No garter tabs.
Waist tape 3cm (a bit over 1 inch) wide waist tape, exposed on the inside, only supporting panels 2-4 (does not extend from the busk to the back laces).
Modesty panel There was no matching modesty panel that came with this corset, but on the website, all prices include a modesty panel that appears to be separate and stiffened. There is an unstiffened placket on the knob side of the busk.
Busk 26cm (a bit over 10 inches long), standard width busk (half inch on each side) with 5 knobs and loops (the lowest two are a bit closer together for control over the lower tummy).
Boning 20 bones total (10 bones per side). Mostly 1/4″ (or a bit wider) wide spiral steels, double boned on all the seams. There are two flat steels sandwiching the grommets on each side.
Grommets 28 two-part grommets, size #00 (possibly), small to medium flange, set equidistantly. There is some damage to the grommets at the waistline, but I’m not sure how old or how used this corset is. Good wide washers; no splits on the back.
Laces Laces are 1/4″ wide, flat black nylon braided laces – very little stretch, very difficult to break.
Price On the website, the ready-made (standard-sized) corsets for men are advertised as €210, which converts to $290 USD.
Another men’s underbust made by JC Creations, this version in green camo. Model and photographer unknown.

This corset was a gift from EgapTesroc for me to study, along with the Creations L’Escarpolette corsets I showed in January 2014. But because I don’t know the full history of this corset, it’s difficult to gauge its quality: whether it’s standard-sized or custom-fit and if it has stretched out over time; how well it stood up to training since I’m not sure how old the corset is and how rigorous its use, or even if the pattern and construction are still current are all variables. However, JC Creations remains a respected business with a high reputation, even having made corsets for notables like Cathie Jung and various European celebrities. If you have any questions about the corsets by JCC, I recommend contacting them directly with your questions. (Please note that their website is NSFW.)

Huge thanks to EgapTesroc for giving me the opportunity to study and share this lovely corset with my viewers and readers. If you currently own a corset made by JC Creations and you can confirm if the quality and construction are current, as well as share your own experience with the corsets, leave a comment below!

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