This entry is a summary of the review video “Orchard Corset CS-301 Waspie Review” which you can watch on YouTube here:

Fit, length Center front is about 8 inches high, and the side seam is 6.5 inches high. Hourglass silhouette. Waist is 22″, top edge is 26″ (whether that is the underbust or lower ribcage on you depends on the length of your torso), bottom edge (iliac crest) is 28″.
Material 2 main layers: Outer layer is black suiting fabric with a pile/nap and herringbone design, and lining is cotton twill.
Construction 4 panel pattern, panels assembled using a topstitch and is single boned with internal boning channels on the seams.
Binding Bias tape is a commercial black satin; machine stitched on the inside and outside.
Waist tape 1 inch wide partial waist tape, exposed on the inside of the corset on the side panels (panels 2-3). Unfortunately I don’t see that it extends through the entire corset.
Modesty panel 5.5 inch wide unstiffened modesty panel attached to one side finished in the same fabric as the rest of the corset. There is also an unstiffened modesty placket in the front, made of black twill.
Busk 6.5 inches long, standard width busk (half inch on each side) with 3 knobs and loops, equidistantly spaced.
Boning 10 bones total (5 bones per side). On each side, there are three 1/4″ wide spiral steel bones, single boned on the seams. There are two flat steels sandwiching the grommets as well.
Grommets 16 two-part grommets, size #00, small to medium flange, quite sturdy. Finished in silver and set equidistantly. The washers are nice and large. The corset is laced higher than I would prefer, which is typical of Orchard Corset.
Laces Laces are 1/4″ wide nylon flat laces, a bit springy but difficult to break.
Price At the time I’m writing this, the price starts at $65 for sizes 16-30″. Starting at size 32″, the price increases by $1 per size, up to a maximum size and price of $73 for size 46″.
CS-301 as seen on Orchard’s website

The CS-301 is the new 2014 cut offered by Orchard Corset, and it’s called the “waspie/ mini-corset” for a reason – it packs a surprising amount of curve for such a little corset! Because this piece is only 6.5 inches high at the side seam, nearly everybody (whether their torso is long or short) should be able to sit down comfortably in this corset – however, be aware that if you have any protrusion of your lower tummy, this corset is not likely to cover and pull it in, and indeed may make a lower tummy look more pronounced (if you would like to prevent lower-tummy protrusion, a longer corset will help, as well as a ‘tucking’ technique shown here). Additionally, if you have a fleshy torso like I do and you have a tendency of getting ‘muffin top’, you may want to consider a different corset with a higher back if you are interested in preventing this. However, if you have a ribcage that is the same size or smaller than your natural waist or you don’t carry much weight on your upper torso or back, then muffin top shouldn’t be an issue for you.

I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to try this (so far exclusive) design with the lovely plush fashion fabric, but in retrospect perhaps this was not wise in the context of a review, because I don’t have the ability to test their currently-available black satin version and see how well it stands up to the test of time. So while I will keep an eye on how this corset fares with use, please be aware that it may not directly apply to how the satin version behaves.

This corset is stocked from size 16″ to 46″. It starts at $67 USD and price varies based on size and fashion fabric. Be aware that I don’t earn a dime from this. Purchasing and additional information can be found on the Orchard Corset website here.

7 thoughts on “Orchard Corset CS-301 Waspie (Mini Corset) Review

  1. Ashlin says:

    Hi Lucy, I was wondering if this corset is good for waist training? My measurements are 32-27-38 and I have an underbust steel boned corset from corset story but I feel like it has too many gaps down at the hips and gaps up at the top of the ribs. I really want to reduce size and love the corset you just showed since it’s cute and affordable . Any recommendations? Thanks!

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Ashlin, I generally don’t recommend this corset for waist training. I have a page here that may help you find an OTR corset that’s suitable for training.

      • Elisha says:

        Hi Lucy, I’m just wondering why you don’t recommend the CS 301 for waist training… I read the table you posted but I’m unclear as to why.. is it because of the length? I recently bought this corset and I love it… but I’m using it for waist training. It fits great as I have such a short waist… but I’m just wondering if it’s not strong enough in your opinion…? Please let me know, thanks!

        • Giulia says:

          Hi Lucy!
          I’m new to corseting/waist training, and after some research on how to start (including your amazing beginners youtube guide) I decided to purchase my first corset from Orchard Corset.
          I fell in love with the CS-426, but I turned out to be too short for it (even for the short version!). Based on my measures (29″, 26.5″, 31″; seated torso ~8-9″), the customer service suggested me to go with a CS-301, and I got it in cotton with the idea to use it to start a waist train journey. Do you think I should have gone with something “stronger”, like the CS-201 or CS-411? I was afraid they might be too long for my short torso :/


          • bishonenrancher says:

            Hi Giulia, your torso is not too short for the CS-411 and I think it would be a stronger (and more effective) piece – so I would exchange it for a 411 in size 22. The CS-201 may not be curvy enough, and it’s also not the same construction.

            • Giulia says:

              Well, since I got the CS-301 in sale and they are currently having a whole shop sale… I just bought a satin CS-411 on top of the one I already ordered :P I think I’d like to have two different corsets to see how they feel, what I like most, etc.
              Thanks so much for your advice!

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