This entry is a summary of the review video “Orchard Corset CS-411 Underbust Review”. If you want visual close-ups, you can watch the video on YouTube here:

Fit, length Center front is 10″, shortest part is 8.5″. It’s a shorter corset that fits closer to a cincher on my body. Gives a moderate hourglass shape – this is a Level 2 silhouette, so the ribcage is 4″ bigger than the waist, and the hips are about 8-9″ bigger than the waist.
Material 3 main layers – the outer coarse-weave poly-brocade fashion fabric, flatlined to a sturdy cotton interlining, and lined in twill.
Construction 4-panel pattern (8 panels total). The shape of the panels is very similar to the cincher by Isabella Corsetry, although the contours are slightly less, the ribcage and hips a little smaller. Constructed with a slightly modified sandwich technique.
Binding Binding at top and bottom are made from commercial black satin bias strips, machine stitched on both sides. There are no garter tabs in this corset.
Waist tape One-inch-wide waist tape running through the corset, hidden between the layers. I did not check to see if there was glue used in this one (see my CS-426 review if you want to know more about that particular corset).
Modesty panel There is a modesty panel on the back, made of a layer of black satin and a layer of twill. 5” wide (~3″ usable space) and attached to one side with a line of stitching.
Busk Slightly heavier busk, slightly under an inch wide and 9” long, with 4 pins. It is fairly sturdy; less bendy than a standard 1/2″ busk.
Boning 16 bones total in this corset. On each side, 6 of them are spirals about 3/8 inch wide and then there are two flat steel bones, both ¼” wide sandwiching the grommets.
Grommets There are 20 2-part size #00 grommets (10 on each side), with a small flange, spaced equidistantly. On the underside every grommet is split and quite scratchy, but they don’t catch on the laces so I can’t complain.
Laces The laces are ¼” wide flat nylon shoe-lace style. I find them to be long enough and quite strong, but also rather springy – you just have to tug a little harder to get the corset to stay closed because of the elasticity of the laces. However, Orchard has some higher quality laces (in several colours) available on their website – I very much prefer their ribbon laces to the standard shoelace style laces.
Price Currently $69 USD.
CS-411 corset modeled by Betty Bleu for Orchard Corset – this one in black and white pinstripe

Final Thoughts:

Although this particular fashion fabric is not available to purchase through Orchard Corset (as it was a prototype), the cut of the corset, construction methods, and other fabrics/ materials should all be the same – so in this review I’m really commenting on these features as opposed to strictly the shell fabric.

I very much prefer this style of thicker poly-brocade compared to the thin shimmery satin shown in my CS-426 corset review. I found that satin had a tendency to wrinkle easily, when the satin started to pull in places, you could see the crossweaves of coral and brown threads and the wear of the corset was quite apparent. The satin also pulled and frayed easily where it had caught onto things (keep it away from any hooks, scratchy/sharp edges, or especially velcro!). This brocade is sturdier, doesn’t wrinkle as easily, is harder-wearing (doesn’t pull or fray as easily) and is better at hiding general wear and tear. A bird told me that Orchard may begin stocking all-cotton corsets in the future, which would be an even better choice for those looking for regular support.

20 thoughts on “Orchard Corset CS-411 Underbust Review

  1. Cydney says:

    Which material would you recommend best brocade satin or cotton? I’m having a hard time figuring which one is sturdier this being my first real corset. I’ve had bad experiences with other types of wait trainers.

    • bishonenrancher says:

      While the brocade is prettiest, I personally prefer the cotton if you are looking for longevity.

  2. Kellee-Anne says:

    Hi Lucy, I totally need your help. I started waist training in Orchard Corset’s 301, but I’d like to get another corset from them. Which style would you recommend? My measurements are:
    33 UB, 31 waist, 36 upper hip, 38 full hip and my torso (from breast to lap) is 9.25.
    I like my 301, (26″) but I have some issues. It don’t cover my lower belly pooch and the bottom of it cuts into my hips. 2 inches until I can close it though. Thanks so much for your expert opinion! Love your website!!

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Kellee-Anne, If you need some more coverage of your lower tummy, I think only the CS-345 or the CS-426 will be able to do that. I personally prefer their 426 because when I tried their 345 it caused some dishing at the front on me. But their longer 426 version may be about an inch too long for your torso when seated, so maybe try their 426-short, in size 26″.

  3. Renee says:

    Hi Lucy! I really hope you have a moment to help me out. This corset is on clearance and I’m interested in grabbing one asap if it’s a good fit! It will be my first corset and I can’t afford much.

    My measurements are: Underbust 28.5″, waist 27.5″, at iliac crest/hip: 31″ ( a little less if it weren’t for pooch)

    I read your dimensions page and see that I could close a 22″ and not have to sacrifice my hips. But will this work with my over all measurements?

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Renee, the size 22″ might feel a little small on your ribcage, but you are allowed to wear the corset with a slight “V” shaped gap if this corset is your only option.

      • Renee says:

        Okay, thanks for letting me know. My intention was to slowly train down to that size – I thought since it came up shorter than others that it would just effect my floating rib cages, which I have come to understand are malleable. I’m still reading up/learning! For the intention of waist training then, is it better I keep searching for something that fits my current ribcage and hips, but smaller in the waist?

        • bishonenrancher says:

          Hi Renee, that’s a highly individual decision. I will always recommend the best quality and best fitting corset that you can afford and justify. If you’re not sure that corseting is for you, then it makes sense to start with a smaller investment. But if you’re sure you will be training over time, then it’s worth it to shop around a little. I highly advocate self-education but there are plenty of tools on this site that can help you. What might help is the dimensions directory and corset measurements calculator.

  4. Vanessa Franson says:


    I have asked Orchard Corset about sizing and silhouette recommendation and their suggestion was the 411 and to flip it upside-down, as my ribcage is 4 inches wider then my hips. I’m hoping for a second opinion. Is this a good idea?

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Vanessa, if your ribcage is 4 inches larger than your hips, then yes it sounds like a good idea to wear this corset upside down. But if you send over all your measurements, I’ll be able to tell you if the 411 is the best corset choice for your overall or if there’s a different one that may fit you better.

      • Vanessa Franson says:

        Correction 2 inches larger

        Bust 32 inches
        Waist 27 inches
        Hips 30 inches
        Torso length 9 3/4 inches

        Thank you!

        • bishonenrancher says:

          Hi Vanessa, is the 32 inches your full bust measurement or your underbust measurement? The underbust measurement is your ribcage, and since the corset doesn’t come up above the bustline your full bust measurement is not necessary. Cheers!

            • bishonenrancher says:

              Ah, I see – you could wear the corset upside down, but you may still find that you need to wear it with a slight “/\” shaped gap in the back to accommodate your hips. If you had a full 4 inches difference between your ribs and hips, it would fit very well upside down! I’m guessing they recommended the size 24″ for you?

  5. Diana says:

    Hi am a new Mom trying my best to cut down my weigh,at the moment my waistline is 38 inches, my bust is 32 inches and my upper hip is 40 waistline measurement before I was pregnant was 28 inches.I want to get 28 size orchard corset CS 411. is it okay or what do you recommend?please help.thanks

    • bishonenrancher says:

      Hi Diana, I generally recommend going down about 6 inches in the waist to start out with – a corset 10 inches smaller than your current natural waistline is likely to not close very far on you and will have a wide gap in the back, even if you’re very compressible to start with. There’s an article I wrote explaining the logistics, you can read it here. I would try a size 32″ corset instead for you, and then size down gradually as you need.

  6. Lorraine says:

    Hi. I imagine this polyester fabric would be too warm to wear in hot weather. Our average high temps are about 87 F and average low at 74 F.

    • peaceoutforlife says:


      I just received a gorgeous orchard corset in 411, size 24. My measurements are 28-29 inch waist, 28-29 inch underbust, 36-37 inch hips. Unfortunately, while the corset seems to fit comfortably at the hips and cinches in the waist, there is significant gapping at the top of the corset! When I measured the corset, the top edge is 30 inches, the bottom edge is 35 inches, and the waist is indeed 24 inches. I’ll probably have to mail it back for an exchange. Any recommendations for what kind of corset I should get instead? Should I size down or try a different type?

      • bishonenrancher says:

        Hi there,
        Unfortunately you may never get this particular corset to fit you perfectly. As in my “shape of the corset gap” article/video, since your ribcage is the same size as your waist, then most corsets may fit either too large in the ribcage or too small in the hips, causing either ribcage gaping when fully closed but fitting the waist and hips (as in your current situation) or ending up with a / shape gap if you size down, because the hips of the corset will be too narrow for your own. I would recommend trying another type of corset. Depending on how long your torso is, you might be able to fit the longline Timeless Trends corset because it has adjustable hip ties, and its ribcage is actually quite narrow as far as corsets go. :)

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